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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)
versão impressa ISSN 1816-8949


An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) v.38 n.3 Asunción ago. 2005

 ·  Full time professor, una utopia

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 Artículos Originales
 ·  Vascularized iliac crest graft with muscle pedicle (m. sartorius) in patient with osteonecrosis of the hip
Cappello Riveros, José Mario

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 ·  Funcional evaluation of the technique of plastic crossed ligament previous LCA with sniew to patelar to open sky in patients with chronic anterior inestability of knee
Zárate Barchello, Adolfo

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 ·  TYPE DIABETES MELLITUS “Análisis of the objectives, tratment options and risk in elderly population”
Palacios de Schneider, Concepción Mafalda

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 ·  Acanthamoeba sp. keratitis. Case report
Ramírez Molas, Luis; Kang, Hyun; Ayala Lugo, Rosa; Fariña, Norma; Sanabria, Rosa; Miño de Kaspar, Herminia

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 ·  Acute coger gastrointestinal bleeding for jejunal diverticulosis
Samaniego, Castor; Rodríguez, Gabriel; Martínez, Osvaldo; Lugo, Adrián; Ramírez, Liz; Casco, Eva Teresa

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 ·  Fournier’s disease. Our experience
Villalba A, J; Rodas, J; Cuenca, O; Ferreira, R; Canese, J; González, ML; Giubi, J; Riveros, M

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 ·  Most frequent consults on skin illiness in geriatric patients
Colarte Jara, Heriberto; Bolla de Lezcano, Lourdes; Knopfelmacher, Oilda

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 ·  Percutaneous biliar drainage: Techniques and results
Parquet V, Guido; Ortiz B, Silvia; Samaniego A³, Castor; Giménez V4, Alejandro

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 ·  Invermectina in the treatment of Human Miasis
de Hollanda Ramírez, Ana María; Silva Rodríguez, Aníbal Ricardo; Zaracho, Gustavo

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 ·  Contribution of microdibrider in the sinonasal popyposis surgical treatment
Mena Canata, Carlos; Gilain, Laurent

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 ·  Sesibilitation to latex in health’s workers in the III CCM Hospital de Clinicas
Guggiari D, Jaime; Guggiari Ch, Jaime; Ayala de Mendoza, Fátima

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 ·  Prevalence of alcohol consumers in schools of Asunción
López, L; González, L; Pacheco, L

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 ·  Teachers of surgery
Vanuno S, David

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