ISSN 2307-0420 |
The Magazine Cirugía Paraguaya is the official dissemination of the Paraguayan Society of Surgery, available in print and online. The publication disseminates research works generated by professionals from the health area, clinical research, experimental and Public Health; its periodicity is quarterly with an annual volume. The Journal Cirugía Paraguaya reserves all rights to published articles. Form and preparation of manuscripts. For plagiarism detection, he uses the plagius program. Acceptance of articles The process of accepting the submitted articles implies the previous evaluation by peers (peer review) in two processes: First revision: it is in charge of the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Committee. In this first stage the pertinence and depth of the work and its consonance with the editorial line of the Journal and the fulfillment of the general publication criteria are evaluated. Second revision: it is in charge of a minimum of two national or international specialists of the specialty of the subject treated in each submitted article; If there are contradictory opinions, a third opinion is requested. The material sent will be analyzed for publication by the Editorial Board and the External Arbitrators. The review will be done anonymously, both for reviewers and authors. The works and opinions published in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The authors give the Journal the ownership of their copyright, so that the articles are published and disseminated in any form or medium, under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Form and preparation of manuscripts
GENERAL INFORMATION The articles submitted for publications must be unpublished, double-spaced in Word (97-2003), with Arial 12, separated, in letter-type page format and duly numbered. References, illustrations and tables should be numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numerals. The author must send a copy of the work to, including figures or illustrations to the Editor of the Journal, accompanied by a letter from the author authorizing its publication. Only articles that obey the established criteria and when the requested modifications are satisfactorily fulfilled will be accepted for publication. The letters to the Editor must be exclusively scientific comments related to the articles published in the magazine Cirugía Paraguaya and the EDITOR reserves the right to publish them. SHAPE AND STYLE Articles should be concise and in Spanish. The abbreviations should be limited to the terms mentioned repeatedly, and when they do not alter the understanding of the text and should be defined from their first use in separate pages and in the following order:1- Title - short title. 2- Summary and keywords. 3- Summary and Key Words (points 1 and 2 in English). 4- Introduction 5- Material and method. 6- Results. 7- Discussion. 8- Conclusions. 9- Bibliographic References. 10-Data for correspondence: complete data of the main author, address, telephone, fax, others. 11- Illustrations. 12-Figure and tables. 13-Others CATEGORY OF ARTICLES 2- ORIGINALS: Publication of clinical, experimental or surgical techniques to expand and emulate knowledge about a surgical problem, repeat the observations and judge their conclusions. It must be constituted by: Summary. Introduction. Material and method. Discussion. Selected references are recommended, limited to the number of 20 (twenty). Do not exceed the maximum of 15 pages. 3- REVIEW ARTICLES: Retrospective or recapitulative studies in which already published information on surgical problems is analyzed, completed with personal contributions. It should not exceed 20 pages. 4- CASE REPORT - CASE REPORT OR CLINICAL NOTES: Initial notes that contain one or more new information, or infrequent clinical cases or of interest as a contribution to know the problem. It will have a maximum of 4 pages. 5- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Publications of objections or comments related to articles recently published in the Journal, observations or experiences that by their characteristic can be summarized in a short text (maximum 2 pages). The Editor of the Magazine is not obliged to publish all the letters received. ORGANIZATION OF ARTICLES PAGE- TITLE: The title must be clear, in Spanish; containing the maximum information with a minimum of words, should not contain formulas, abbreviations, or interrogations. It must be accompanied by the full name (s) of the author (s), followed by their professional titles, correspondence and mail address as well as the name of the work institution. For the original articles the number of authors will be a maximum of 10 (ten) and for the short notes and case reports a maximum of five. 2- SUMMARY - SUMMARY: A summary in Spanish and English should accompany the work, not exceeding 200 words. This summary should be structured as follows: objectives, material and method as well as results with their statistical significance and conclusion. The literal translation of the summary should be avoided. Abstracts of review articles, clinical cases and technical notes do not need to be structured. However, their summaries should not exceed 75 words. 3- KEY WORDS - KEY WORDS: As indicated by the Index Medicus (between 3 to 5 key words). 4- INTRODUCTION: You must indicate the objective of the work, the hypothesis formulated. The reason for the work. It is recommended to avoid extensive bibliographic reviews, history and anatomical bases. 5- MATERIAL AND METHODS: Characterizing the research, experiment or work performed, duration time, type of series or population studied and techniques used, providing sufficient details and following the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975. 6- RESULTS: Accounts of the observations made with the material and method used. These data can be expressed in details in the text or in the form of tables and figures. 7- DISCUSSION: The author will try to offer his own opinions on the subject, highlighting among others: meaning and application of the results, considerations on inconsistency of the methodology and the reasons for the validity of the results; relationship with similar publications: similarities and differences, indications for future research. 8- REFERENCES - BIBLIOGRAPHY: They will be numbered in order of appearance in the text. All bibliographical citations will be mentioned in the text by means of their corresponding Arabic number and no author will be mentioned who does not appear in said citations. The bibliographical references will be presented in the manner set out in the following examples: Journal articles and initials of all the authors if they are six or less. Seven or more, only the first six will be required, followed by the expression et al. : Title of work in original language: abbreviation of the name of the Journal according to the use of the Index Medicus: year of publication, volume and first and last page of the work. 9- FIGURES: Illustrations, photographs, graphs and diagrams will be considered figures. The photographs will be carefully selected, ensuring that they are of good quality. The author must provide the original in high definition jpg format (300dpi). The photos will be published in black and white. When the publication of color photographs is desired, the expenses will be borne by the author, who will request a quote from the publisher. The publisher of the magazine and the editorial committee reserve the right to reject, after informing the authors, those photographs that do not meet the quality necessary for a good reproduction. Each figure must have an explanatory title. 10- TABLES: Will be presented in sheets and will include: a) numbering of the table, b) statement (title) and c) a single table per sheet. They should be clear and without corrections. The works that do not strictly comply with these conditions will be returned to their authors so that they proceed to make the modifications suggested to them by this Magazine. The Editorial Office of Cirugía Paraguaya reserves the right to introduce modifications in the received works, without altering the meaning of them, in order to adapt them to these publication rules. |
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Santa Ana 433 entre Roque Centurión Miranda y Avenida España- Edificio de Laboratorios Catedral (3er piso)
Asunción, Paraguay