The journal Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (in English “Annals of the Faculty of Medical Sciences”; hereafter Anales) is the scientific dissemination organ of the National University of Asunción’s Faculty of Medical Sciences. Anales is published through the Editorial Office of EFACIM (publisher of the Faculty of Medical Sciences), who also provides academic endorsement and resources for dissemination. Since 2017, Anales is published quarterly and only online. Articles published in Anales are hosted and indexed in: SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library on Line), OJS (Open Journal Systems), BVS-Regional (Virtual Health Library of Paraguay), LILACS–BIREME (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), LATINDEX, Google Scholar, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ROAD (Directory of Open Access Academic Resources), REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge), DIALNET, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) and ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). Anales uses Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as social networks. Work submitted for consideration for publication in Anales are reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Committee or Specialists in the area. Reviewers are specialists in the topic area of the submission who evaluate the article, make an opinion on the appropriateness for publication, and identify any needed corrections or clarifications. Once revisions have been made by the authors, the work is sent to the Editor in Chief. The Journal publishes Original Articles in diverse areas of medicine, Editorials, Review Articles, Case Reports, Continuing Medical Education, Letters to the Editor, Obituaries, and other types of articles. Work must be previously unpublished and not under consideration with another journal at the time of their submission. To comply with this policy, each author must provide a sworn statement attesting that the work has not been submitted to another journal for publication. The Journal Anales of the Faculty of Medical Sciences is distributed free of charge. All materials published on this site are freely available, free of charge and at no cost to the authors. Provides immediate open access to your content, based on the principle of giving the public free access to research. Articles are received in Spanish and English. Articles must be submitted to the ANALES OJS website at: https://revistascientificas.una.py/index.php/RP or by email to: efacim@fcmuna.edu.py
In order for an manuscriptarticle to be considered for publication in the ANALES Journal of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, it must meet the following criteria:
The following policies apply to all manuscriot articles involving human subjects research. Researchers submitting studies with human participants must meet the following requirements:
Protect the right to anonymity of those who participated in the investigation.
The most frequent ethical faults in the publication are plagiarism, inadequate authorship and redundant publication. Plagiarism: All manuscripts articles submitted for publication will be reviewed by plagiarism software QUETEXT. Proposals containing a high percentage of similarity (50% or more) will not be accepted. Articles with any percentage of plagiarism will be reviewed, it will be verified where the plagiarism is found, and definitions will be considered for its reduction. Inadequate authorship: Participation in authorship and the order of appearance in the article is the responsibility of the authors and the journal has no interference in these aspects. All authors must:
In order for someone to be recognized as an author, they must meet the four conditions mentioned. In turn, these data must appear in "Authors contribution" located after the Conclusions. On the other hand, only participation in fundraising, data collection or general supervision of the research group does not justify authorship and should be listed in the “Acknowledgments” section. Redundant publication (i.e., duplicate and fragmented publication): ANALES does not accept duplicate publication.
The authors must declare the presence or absence of conflicts of interest in relation to the research presented. Conflicting interests may be financial or non-financial, professional or personal. Conflicting interests may arise in relation to an institution, organization or other person. What to declare
Interests in financial competition include, but are not limited to: - Ownership of shares. - Paid employment or consultancy. - Patent applications (pending or current), including individual applications or those belonging to the institution with which the authors are affiliated and from which the authors can benefit. - Research grants. - Travel grants and fees for speaking or participating in meetings. - Gifts.
Non-financial competing interests include, but are not limited to: Acting as an expert witness. Membership in a government or advisory board. Relationship (paid or unpaid) with organizations and funding bodies, including non-governmental organizations, research institutions, or charities Personal relationships (e.g., friend, spouse, family member, current or former mentor, adversary) with people involved in submitting or evaluating an article, such as authors, reviewers, editors, or editorial board members. Personal convictions (political, religious, ideological, or other) related to the topic of an article that could interfere with an impartial publication process at the stage of authorship, peer review, editorial decision-making, or publication.
All authors of Anales are required to declare support they received to carry out their research. The funding sources statement acknowledges the contributions of funders, meets funding requirements, and promotes greater transparency in the research process. What to declare: each author must individually declare all sources of funding received for the research submitted to the journal. This information includes the name of the awarding agencies, grant numbers, and a description of the role of each funder.
An original article is an unpublished work derived from health research that provides new information and contributes in a relevant way to scientific knowledge. Original articles have structured abstracts in Spanish and English, following the standardized international format IMRD (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion). Introduction: Write in the present tense. Start with a brief reference to the research topic. Write the body of the introduction with a bibliographic review that is current and pertinent to the topic. Make citations corresponding to all articles you have used to write this section. Do not include data or conclusions from the work you have done. Include the objective or objectives of the work and finish by highlighting the relevance of the work. Material and methods: Write in the past tense, clearly describing the design of the work, the selection of the subjects for observation or experimentation, clinical and demographic characteristics of participants, location and time period of the study, and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Identify the methods, equipment, and procedures in detail so that other researchers can reproduce your results given expertise in the field. Accurately identify medications and chemical products used, with their generic name, dosage, and routes of administration. Accurately describe the experiment, study subject groups, randomization, sample size estimation, and statistical methods used in detail so that the reader can understand how you arrived at the results. Quantify your results and present them with indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (e.g., confidence intervals, p-value, etc.) appropriate for the statistics used. Specify the software used. Ethical issues: Respect at all times the basic ethical principles of respect of persons, beneficence, and justice. Names, initials, or patient medical record numbers cannot be published. Descriptions, photographs, or other details that identify the patient, especially in illustrative material, cannot be published with few exceptions essential to understanding the research. In such cases, the patient, parent, or legal guardian must express their consent in writing (with informed consent). In the case of work that includes experiments on human subjects, include whether the procedures comply with the ethical standards of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, revised in 2000. For experiments with animals, indicate whether the work complied with the basic international principles applicable to biomedical research with animals drawn up by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the International Council for Science and Laboratory Animals (ICLAS). Results: Write in the past tense and do not use bibliographic citations in this section. Present your results in a logical sequence using text, tables, or figures. Do not simply repeat data from tables and figures in the text. Rather, highlight or summarize the most important observations. Present tables, figures, and photographs in the order mentioned in the text. Anales may modify their format and position if they present technical difficulties. The number of tables and figures should not exceed six. Each table and figure should have a self-explanatory title, including footnotes as necessary. Do not present the tables with a grid or shading in the text as these can impede visualization. Discussion: Write in the present tense. Highlight new and important aspects of the study and conclusions derived from them. Compare and contrast your results with those presented by other authors, suing bibliographical references. Do not repeat results or other information already highlighted in previous sections of the manuscript. Explain the meaning of your results, their limitations, and refer to the relevance of your findings and implications for future research. Bibliographical references: Original articles are expected to have at least 20 bibliographical references, preferably the most current, ordered according to their appearance in the text. Use Vancouver format.
Review articles will be considered by Anales for topical and medically relevant areas. Review articles fall into two categories:
The title must clearly specify the topic of the review. The summary is to be provided in Spanish and English, with a title, keywords, and of a maximum of 250 words. The introduction points to past and recent developments with updated references to publications by other authors on the topic. The format is at the discretion of the author, with recommended tables, diagrams, and figures for ease of reading and understanding of content. The text is a narrative review that provides a critical analysis of the literature, the authors' own data, and conclusions. The expected maximum length is 20 pages with 8 figures. Review articles use the following format: Introduction: State and define the topic. Follow with a careful and detailed review of the literature including the most relevant data in recent years. This section can use subheadings. Subheadings: You are free to use subheadings or titles for sections to improve clarity and ease of reading. Illustrative figures, tables, and diagrams may also be used to explain complex details of your review topic. All data presented require bibliographic citation. Conclusion: After summarizing the literature in the body of your review, end the manuscript with a critical conclusion, as a specialist, about the reviewed topic. Bibliographic references: Review articles are expected to have at least 25 bibliographic references, often more, preferably including the most updated data available. References are ordered according to their appearance in the text and follow the Vancouver format.
Short communications are reports of partial (i.e., preliminary) or final results of an investigation whose rapid disclosure is of great importance. Although shorter than full original articles, they follow the IMRD format as described above. Short communications are written to not exceed three pages, with only one figure or one table. Acknowledgments and bibliography follow the format of a complete original article.
Case reports describe a single or series of clinical cases of a disease, highlighting striking or unique features. Case reports are accompanied by a brief review of the pertinent literature. Introduction: A summary of the disease or topic with a brief bibliographic review. Discussion: Follow the discussion format as for an original article with reference to the current literature. Include and comment on differential diagnoses. Bibliographic references: Case reports are expected contain at least 10 bibliographic references, preferably the most up to date, ordered according to their appearance in the text. Follow the Vancouver format.
Topics of interest are philosophical, literary, or scientific manuscripts that present the author's opinion on a specific or current topic. Unlike review articles, topics of interest submissions can present a topic of current scientific interest without critical analysis as data may not be available as required for review articles. The format includes the Introduction, Development of the theme or body of the text with bibliographical citations at the discretion of the authors, a Conclusion, and bibliographical References. Topics of interest submissions are limited to three figures or three tables.
Letters to the editor are short communications requesting clarification or presenting comments on material published in Anales. Decisions on publication of letters are at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Letters to the editor are intended to stimulate discussion of published articles in the form of constructive criticism. Letters may reference articles published in the last three months or can be very brief communication of new scientific observations that do not require the space of short or complete articles. Letters are limited to a maximum of three pages, with one table or figure, and up to five bibliographic references.
Bibliographical comments are brief critical writings on national or international books on biomedical sciences pertinent to readers of Anales. The length is one page with the corresponding book’s reference.
Manuscripts sent to Anales for publication must include the following for all article types:
- Title in Spanish and English: short (≤20 words), complete, clear, concise, and specific, without abbreviations.
- Original articles will have structured Summaries in Spanish and English, with sections analogous to the parts of the article.
- 3 to 10 keywords are required in Spanish and English. For standard terms, consult the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) of the index of Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) at http://decs.bvs.br. To verify standard English terms, consult MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) from Index Medicus at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/authors.html.
- A paragraph must be included before the References stating the source of funding for the research and whether or not there are conflicts of interest.
- Number the references consecutively according to the order they are first mentioned in the text starting from the Introduction. Use Arabic numbers in parentheses. Do not cite unpublished observations or personal communications as references. If you must include accepted articles that have not yet been published as references, indicate the title of the journal and write the term "in press" for which you must have proof from the editor of said journal that enables you to cite said article. Examples of references:
The work must be done in A4 size (212 x 297mm), Arial 10 font, Microsoft WORD text format, single spaced, with 2.5 mm margins. Number the pages consecutively from the title in the lower right corner of each page. Authors are responsible for the writing, without spelling, grammatical, or style errors. Figures (illustrations, diagrams, photographs and graphs) and Tables (tables or charts) must be numbered in order of appearance using Arabic numerals. Each figure and table must have a self-standing brief title and be mentioned in the text of the article. Tables of tabulated data that contain only text must be prepared using the Word “table” application or equivalent program (software), diagrams and schemes with Power Point or equivalent program (software), and graphs with Excel or equivalent program (software). Photographs must be submitted in separate files in TIFF or JPG (JPEG) format. The minimum acceptable resolution is 300 dpi and, if taken directly from a digital camera, ”high resolution”. Each submission must be accompanied by a letter of presentation with the signature of the corresponding author including declarations on financing or any possible conflicts of interest (or state absence of conflicts of interest), a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript, that the requirements for authorship have been met, and that each author believes that the information presented in the manuscript is true. Submit the Corresponding Author's full first and last name, phone number, and email address. Articles are received throughout the year. Publication is quarterly in the months of April, August, and December. Articles are published after their review process and subsequent acceptance have been completed in the next available issue. Papers are received on the ANALES OJS website: https://revistascientificas.una.py/index.php/RP as well as via email: efacim@fcmuna.edu.py
Anales employs a rigorous peer review and editing process to assess the scientific soundness, originality, timeliness, and importance of articles submitted. The members of the Editorial Board are selected for their experience and expertise in various areas of medicine, academia, and research. The Board plays a central role in managing the peer review process and in the decisions to accept or reject articles for publication. The Editor-in-Chief reviews each article submitted to the journal and determines if it meets the essential criteria (scientific soundness, originality, potential impact) of Anales. If the essential criteria are met, the submission is sent to a methodology reviewer, which if deemed sound is subsequently sent to peer reviewers. Anales will inform the corresponding author on:
Anales reserves the right to accept or reject articles and to make suggestions to improve presentation. Once the author receives comments from the reviewers, he/she must responde point-by-point and incorporate corresponding modifications in the text within an expected 10 to 15 days.
When responding to reviewers, include the following:
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, no modifications to its content will be accepted. The authors must send a copyright transfer statement to the journal signed by all authors.
ORCID is a unique and permanent identifier for each researcher to avoid errors and confusion in the names of the authors when identifying their scientific production, to distinguish their publications, while to help dissemination. Each author must have a registered ORCID from the website: https://orcid.org/
Anales is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the content of the published articles. Corrections to published articles. In the situation in which, after the publication of the article, the authors find or are informed of an error, they can notify the journal and a correction can be made. In these cases, the correction of the original online article will be considered. A warning note will be added at the end of the correction to explain what has changed with respect to the original publication and an errata will be published.
In the event of evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, duplicate publication in another journal, improper scientific conduct or ethical breach, the journal may consider a retraction of the published article. A replacement version of the article will be published containing only the metadata, with a retraction note replacing the original text. The PDF will be replaced with a version with the "Retracted" watermark, and the reasons for the retraction, but the original text will remain accessible.
Manuscripts should be addressed to Editor of the Journal Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, to the following address: Capitán Miranda e/ Río de la Plata y Dr. Montero. Edificio Ex-Semiología Médica – Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Asunción - Paraguay. Email address: efacim@fcmuna.edu.py |
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Capitán Miranda e/ Río de la Plata y Dr. Montero
C.P. 1120
Edificio Ex-Semiología Médica
Universidad Nacional de Asunción.
Asunción - Paraguay