Artículos Originales |
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| · Nitrogen and potassium fertilization in banana crop (Musa paradisiaca L.) in the District of Guajayvi, Department of San Pedro Roman Britez, Pedro Antonio; Rasche Alvarez, Jimmy Walter; Fatecha Fois, Diego Augusto
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| · Preliminary Evaluation of the activity concentration of cesium-137 present in bottled drinking water sold in supermarkets in Asuncion and the metropolitan area by gamma spectrometry Bóveda, Luz; Gómez, Rafael; Cabello, Julio; Michajluk, Boris
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| · Labor motivation and its relationship with the performance of employees in a textile company Zapata Huamaní, Zaira Abigail; Napán, Ana Cecilia; Meza Rodríguez, Rolando
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| · Entrepreneurs and their skills Chocobar Reyes, Emilio José
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| · Socioeconomic impacts of coffee production in Colombia Mendoza, Luis Villamil; Aparicio, Cecilia García-Muñoz
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| · Impact of the demographic bonus on Peru's economic growth, period 2000 - 2015 Acuña Reyna, Juan; Cueva Vega, Edinson; Zumaeta Barrientos, Marden Rigoberto
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| · ICTs in economics and management education King-Domínguez, Andrea; Ortega Martínez, Rosa Martha; Améstica-Rivas, Luis
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| · Scientific production and its relationship with the sustainable development goals Ferreira Altamirano, Nilse Graciela
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| · Training process of pediatric specialties: a look from the perception of the key actors Añazco Mareco, Patricia Beatriz; Cabrera, María del Carmen; Montiel Oviedo, Carla María; Vargas Peña, María de los Milagros; Rolón, Violeta
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| · Level of satisfaction of insured individuals of a hospital regarding outpatient services Sosa Aquino, Olga; Burguez, Niselli; Chaparro Armoa, Marcos Aurelio; Pérez, María Adela; Wannis Fulchini, Leila Marian; Zanina, Tathiana Larisse
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| · Research culture and scientific production in postgraduate teachers Chiri Saravia, Paulo Cesar; Asmad Mena, Gimmy Roberto; Pareja Ballón, Aydé Yrene; Piñas, Haydee Flores
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Artículos de Revisión |
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| · Review of the Impact of Flipped Classroom as a learning strategy Castillo, Robert Smith Elera; Rodas, Aníbal Mera; Montenegro Fernández, Miriam Yolanda; Gonzáles Soto, Víctor Augusto
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| · Flipped classroom for teaching english Rodríguez Gonzales, Nora Hivón
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| · Application of technological information and communication strategies for the achievement of competences: A review of the literature Rodríguez Fenco, Silvia Elizabeth; Muñoz Pérez, Sócrates Pedro
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