Editorial |
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| · Occupational exposure to blood and body fluids Pérez Ibarra, Lis Kharinne
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Artículos Originales |
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| · Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with SLE Montiel de Jarolin, Dora Elizabeth
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| · Adverse effects of amphotericin B deoxycholate in neonates of the National Hospital of Itauguá Yrazusta, Patricia Abigail Arias; Torales, Gladys Godoy; Samudio, Gloria; Aparicio, Chantal Marie Real
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| · Characteristics of post-operated patients of interventricular communication in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology of the Hospital de Clinics Real Aparicio, Chantal Marie; Spinzi, Lorena; Romero, Fátima
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| · Ultrasound measurement of cervical length and risk of preterm birth Mareco Martínez, Roger
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| · Temporomandibular dysfunction: causes and treatments Real Aparicio, María Constanza
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Temas de actualidad |
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| · Protocol for surveillance and management of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids. National Hospital. 2017 Romero de Molinas, Luz Gricelda
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Caso Clínico |
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| · Colonic perforation by foreign body Acosta Brunaga, Lorenzo Diosnel; Cabañas, Silvio; Fleitas Oviedo, Diego Julián; Chamorro, Cindy; Portillo, Pamela
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| · Post-traumatic axillary artery injury associated with scapula fracture Kunzle-Elizeche, Hugo Gustavo; Dominguez, Carlos Abel; Enriquez, Saturnino; González, Ángel; Melgarejo, Justo Carlos
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| · Management of intestinal injury by laparoscopy Acosta Brunaga, Lorenzo Diosnel; Fleitas Oviedo, Diego Julián; González, Fernando
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Cartas al Editor |
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| · Zika infection in Paraguay: an epidemiological approach Rios-González, Carlos Miguel
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| · Requirements to publish letters to the editor in biomedical journals SciELO Paraguay Kunzle-Elizeche, Hugo Gustavo; González-Fernández, Delia Diana Paola
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