| Table of contents Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.2 no.2 Itauguá Dec. 2010 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | | | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Epidemiology of Traffic Accidents in the Nacional Hospital. Itauguá Paraguay Leguizamón, R; Vega Bogado, ME
| | | | · Average Cost Study Services in the National Hospital. 2009/10 Year Ayala Jiménez, FR
| | | | · Knowledge of Occupational Transmission of HIV and Biosafety Standards IN Healthcare Godoy Torales, GM
| | | | · Prevalence of Vaginal Birth in Patients With Prior Cesarean Section Núñez, M; Orquiola, L; Aparicio Cataldi, C
| | | Caso Clínico | | | | · UNILATERAL CLEFT LIP. SURGICAL TREATMENT Pereira, O; Esteche, A
| | | | · Extrahepatic Manifestations of Hepatitis C. Report one Case Sierra, A; Paredes, G; Oviedo, R; Morel, M; Boggino, H
| | | | · Darier is Disease. Presentation in a Young Ozecoski, D; Rivelli, V; Molinas, F; Mendoza, G; Celías, L; Aldama, A
| | | | · Neurological Manifestations in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Montiel-Jarolín, D; Paredes, N; Oviedo, R
| | | | · Tubal Pregnancy Asociated with oVarian Teratoma, Ecographic and Laparoscopic Findings: Case Report Galeano Monti, J; Ramírez, C; Delgado, N; Acuña, V
| | | Imágenes en Medicina | | | | | | |