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Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud
versão On-line ISSN 1812-9528


Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud vol.22 no.1 Asunción  2024

 Artículos Originales
 ·  Identification of Clinical Factors Related to Greater Mortality Associated with Acute Renal Failure in Intensive Care Patients
Gamarra Ortíz, José María; Centurión, Osmar Antonio

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 ·  Good Manufacturing Practices of butcher shops and frequency of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. from ground meat from butcher shops in Asunción, Paraguay
Weiler, Natalie; Orrego, María; Álvarez, Mercedes; Ortiz, Flavia; Martínez, Jazmin; Dure, Felicita; Florentin, Melisa; Piris, Laura; Pérez, Jose; Domínguez, Myrna; Lacarruba, Carla; Leotta, Gerardo

        · resumo em Espanhol | Inglês     · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 ·  Frequency of periodontal diseases and clinical characteristics of patients treated at the Department of Periodontics of the Autonomous University of Asunción
Invernizzi-Mendoza, Carlos Rafael; Cardozo-Vera, Rosa María; Chamorro-Giménez, Stella Anahi; Hetter, María Eugenia Acosta-de

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 ·  Potential congenital transmission of Chagas disease in the second generation of young pregnant women who attended prenatal in the department of Cordillera, Paraguay
Meza, Graciela; Sánchez, Zunilda; Cerecetto, Hugo

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 Comunicación Corta
 ·  Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from the oral cavity of paraguayan participants from Coronel Oviedo, year 2021
Torales, Ulises Villasanti; Méndez, Julieta; Servín, Jazmín; Rodríguez, Marylet; Villalba, Andrea; Ortiz, Analía; Franco, Pablo

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 ·  Epidemiological Characterization of Patients in the Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of a University Hospital in Paraguay: A Three-Year Study
Figueredo, Pamela; Barrios, Iván; Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Castaldelli-Maia, João Mauricio; Ventriglio, Antonio; Torales, Julio

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 ·  First whole genome sequencing of Escherichia coli carrying mcr-1 from pig in Argentina
Pellegrini, Juan Leandro; Lorenzini-Campos, Melina; Lucero, Raúl Horacio; Amadio, Ariel; Lösch, Liliana Silvina; Di Conza, José Alejandro; Merino, Luis Antonio

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 Reporte de Casos
 ·  Double thyroid and arrhythmic storm in a pregnant woman with multiple refractory tachycardias mediated by an intermittent anomalous Kent tract successfully ablated
Torales, Judith M.; Aquino, Nelson J.; Scavenius, Karina E.; Centurión, Osmar A.; Galeano, E. Javier

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 ·  Radiofrequency catheter ablation of left coronary cusp premature ventricular complex
Alderete, José F.; Berruezo, Antonio; Centurión, Osmar A.; Galeano, Erdulfo J.

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 ·  Extraction of supernumerary lower premolar with subsequent placement of Leukocyte-and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF)
Zelada, Angeles; Benitez, Diego; Kang, Jessica; Sanabria, Melissa; Cabrera, Patricia; Invernizzi-Mendoza, Carlos Rafael

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 ·  Gravidez anembrionária. Apresentação de caso com expulsão espontânea de ovo vazio
Pestana-Sierra, Cristian; Pérez-Velilla, María Adela; Samudio-Domínguez, Gloria Celeste

        · resumo em Português | Espanhol | Inglês     · texto em Espanhol     · Espanhol ( pdf )
 Artículos de Revisión
 ·  QRS complex fragmentation of the electrocardiogram and its
Centurión, Osmar Antonio; Torales, Judith M.; Aquino, Nelson J.; García, Laura B.; Falcón, Rocío del Pilar; Chávez, Christian O.; Scavenius, Karina E.; Montiel, Carmen R.; Sequeira, Orlando R.; Meza, Alfredo J.

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 ·  Molecular Diagnostic Analysis: Societal Perspectives During the COVID-19 Pandemic
del Puerto, Florencia

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 Letter to the editor
 ·  The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Food System: From Health Emergency to Economic Crisis
Arrua, Andrea Alejandra; Ríos, Danilo Fernández

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 ·  The Academy in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Paraguay
Nara-Pereira, Eva Megumi

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