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Revista Científica de la UCSA

versión On-line ISSN 2409-8752


MENDOZA, Luis Villamil  y  APARICIO, Cecilia García-Muñoz. Socioeconomic impacts of coffee production in Colombia. Rev. ciente. UCSA [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.2, pp.43-53. ISSN 2409-8752.

Coffee is the product that has contributed the most to the formation of Colombia as a nation; it is thanks to the economic dividends generated by its commercialization that the Colombian nation has been structured from its beginnings to the present day. Cultivation and its commercialization have allowed political stability in this country, since being a sector that provides employment to many people, it allows economic and political stability. The objective is to demonstrate the importance of coffee production and marketing at a socioeconomic level and cultural change in relation to gender equity A mixed methodology was used and as a result it was obtained that the cultivation of coffee not only generates changes at an economic level but also at a cultural level, because when cultivating it, changes in the salary level occur, because it is an important activity in the country's economy. and women have begun to earn wages in a formal way, generating a cultural change.

Palabras clave : coffee growing; commercialization; agricultural production; harvest; collection.

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