ISSN 2078-399X online version |
Reportes científicos de la FACEN, is an open an free access journal and it is the official scientific journal of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. It is issued with semestral periodicity. Its general objective is to spread scientific information. It publishes original research articles, revision articles, short communications and correspondence, in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pure and Statistical Mathematics, Geology, Biotechnology and Production Technology. The main criteria for article selection are scientific soundness and originality. The authors transfer their intellectual rights to the journal, so the contents could be freely published and distributed in any format and media under a Creative Commons Attribution License. |
From and preparation of manuscripts
The manuscripts submitted to the Journal must be accompanied by a letter addresed to the Editor and declaring: its original nature of the paper, not being published previously in any other media, nor being submitted simultaneously to any other media, and making clear that all of the authors have contributed intellectually to its preparation and are fully aware of the contents of the final version of the manuscript. Likewise, in a positive case of publication, granting the transfer of all the intellectual rights to the Editor, thus granting the Journal the rights of reproduction of the contents of the paper. 1. Conceiving, planning and executing the activities implied in the development of the work and the interpretation of the results. People who simply gave help for the development of the work cannot be considered as authors, and they are rather to be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section, clearly describing which their contribution was. Articles and oppinions published in this Journal are of entire responsibility of the authors. No publishing cost is charged to the authors. Spanish is the official language of the Journal, but papers written in English and Portuguese are also accepted. Plagiarism detection is supervised with Plagius software. Form and preparation of manuscripts The manuscript is to be sent in electronic format to the email address of the Journal (, consisting mainly of text files, but eventually also spreadsheet files and illustration files. The main text file must contain just text, without tables nor illustrations embedded, but only their respective citations in text (numbered sequentially) and their textual footers (numbered correspondingly and included as a separate section at the end of the whole text). Tables and figures must be sent in digital format as separate and independent files. Such files should include, in their file names, to which table or figure number they belong to. The Journal Reportes científicos de la FACEN also asks for the submission of three high-resolution printed copies of the whole manuscript, as well as an additional electronic copy recorded in a CD or DVD, properly labeled with the name of the author and the title of the paper, as well as indicating the names of the files included and which programs were used to produce them. The text file must be written with either Microsoft Word® or a perfectly compatible text processor. Font must be set in Times New Roman, size 11. The first page of the manuscript will contain: a) the Títle in both Spanish and English, b) the list of Authores fully spelled out, c) the professional Affiliation of each one of the authors, d) a Resumen with at most 250 words in Spanish, e) Palabras clave in Spanish with 7 keywords at most, f) an Abstract in English, corresponding to the Spanish version and g) Key words in English, also corresponding with the Spanish version. The corresponding Título, Resumo and Palavras-chave must also be included when a manuscript is written in Portuguese. The abstract sections would be obviated just for Editorial notes, Short communications and Correspondence notes presented as such. The main body of the text may content, according with the context of the paper, the following sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Materials and methods (or just one of them, depending on the case), 3) Results, 4) Discussion, 5) Conclusion, 6) Acknowledgements and 7) Cited literature. Such sections may suffer fussion or be nonexistent, depending on the work method or approach of the author, as well as on the kind of paper (original research article, Review article, Short communication, etc.) as presented by the author or as decided by the editorial board. Figure and table footers must go at the end of the text, after the Cited literature section. Tables must be submitted as files produced with Microsoft Excell® or another perfectly compatible spreadsheet program, though tables embedded in a Microsoft Word® might also be acceptable, as long as they are separate files from the main text file. Figures (graphics, images, photos, drawings, maps, schemes or full plates) must be submitted each one as a separate file, in JPG or TIF format, produced with Adobe Photoshop® or another image editing program. Figures must show good quality focusing, clarity and contrast, resolution between 300 dpi and 1000 dpi, and width between 7.25 cm and 16 cm. All the bibliographic citations in text will have their complete references in the section of Cited Literature. That Section will contain only references to sources cited in the text. Cites and references will be written following the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA). According to them, the author and the year are emphasized in the cites in text and the year always goes inside parentheses. For example: “According to González (1999)” or “The method is new (González, 1999)”. For references, the logic sequence is: Author. (Year). Title. Publisher, Volume (Number): Pages. Each author is separated from the following by comma and is mentioned by surname followed by their initials. Italics will be applied either to the title for books and monographs, or to the publisher in the case of articles. The city of edition will be given for books, dissertations and theses. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be added at the end of references already assigned with one. Examples of references according to the kind of source are given here below: Publications in scientific journals Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C., Asgaard, G., Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting smoking on EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more severe with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 6, 249-267. doi:10.1080/14622200410001676305 Publications in online popular magazines Publications in informative reports, unauthored Complete book, printed version Electronic book, undated Book chapter, printed version Government report, Corporative author Master dissertations and doctoral theses Manuscript types accepted by the Journal Editorial Original research paper Short Communication Review paper Correspondence All the manuscripts for the Journal Reportes científicos de la FACEN must be sent to the Editorial Board, as electronic files, to the Journal’s email: Peer review: All the manuscripts submitted to Reportes científicos de la FACEN will be subject to peer review, by two or three reviewers depending on the case. The evaluation process is double blind, and includes a first revision, made by Editorial Board members, in order to determine its scientific and editorial pertinence, and compliance to international ethic rules and the general criteria of publication. Once passing this first filter, the manuscript is sent to at least two specialized peer reviewers, on whose opinion will depend the final acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. In case of a contradictory decision, a third peer reviewer will be asked for intervention. The verdict and corrections will be communicated exclusively to the corresponding author in a period of about six weeks after the reception of the manuscript. The verdict can be acceptance, rejection or conditioned acceptance, and will be communicated in no more than three months after the reception of the manuscript. A conditioned acceptance requires the submission of a new corrected version –in both digital and printed versions– by the corresponding author in no more than 30 days after the reception of the verdict. |
All articles for the Journal Reportes científicos de la FACEN should be addressed to the Editorial Committee Secretary, in electronic format, to the email address of the journal, Ruta II. Km 10. University Campus. |
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Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Ruta II Km 10, Campus Universitario