General Appearance
Submissions must be in Letter size stationary, double-spaced, with wide margins ( 2.5 cm ). The maximum length is 15 pages for original articles on Public Health or Current Topics; 10 pages for Case Reports; and 3 pages for Short Communications or Letters to the Editor.
All submissions must be accompanied by a letter from the author responsible for correspondence related to the submission (corrections, review of printer's proofs, etc.). The letter must include the address, telephone number, and other information that must be judged necessary such as the type of article submitted (original research, case report, issue review).
The submission must be ordered as follows:
1. Title Page
To include the following items:
- Title of the Article.
- Names of the author, or authors, in the order in which they should appear in the publication.
- Institutions or workplaces of the authors.
- Name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be sent, preceded by the phrase “Correspondencia” (Correspondence).
- Date of submission.
2. Abstract and key words in Spanish
- Include an Abstract of up to 150 words if unstructured, and one of up to 250 words if structured.
- Below the Abstract, include from three to ten descriptors (key words) to be used to create an alphabetical index by topic of articles published.
3. Abstract in English
- Translation into English of the title, abstract, and key words.
4. Text
- The texts of clinical or experimental research studies must be divided into sections as follows:
- Introduction.
- Material and Methods.
- Results.
- Discussion.
- Conclusion.
- If the submission is a report of one or more clinical cases, the sequence is as follows:
- Introduction.
- Description of the clinical case(s).
- Discussion.
- Number references, images and graphs in their order of appearance in the text. Use Arabic numbers at all times. The numbers must appear in the text as well as in the References section.
5. Acknowledgments
- Include written authorization by the persons to be cited by name in this section.
6. References
- Must contain only those sources cited in the text, and be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. Only those references consulted personally by the submission author(s) are to be included. References shall be cited according to the format specified by the ICMJE “Vancouver “standards, available in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/
- It is recommended that references not be made to articles read only in abstract or as presentations in congresses, even if these have been published in medical journals, due to the difficulty of adequately interpreting the results of studies published in such abbreviated form.
7. Tables, Graphic or image
Record all captions in sequential order, clearly indicating the number of the corresponding figure (in Arabic numerals) in their order of appearance in the text. |