ISSN 2521-2281 online version



Scope and policy

Medicina clínica y social (Med. clín. soc.) ISSN 2521-2281 (online) is a quarterly scientific journal that is published, as a contribution of the Social Anthropology Department, in the Santa Rosa del Aguaray Campus of the School of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción, Paraguay. The papers may be presented at the initiative of the author, or at the request of the Editorial Board of the magazine. The journal adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( The magazine does not charge neither for the submission nor the publication of the articles. The editorial process is carried out using the peer review system by peers external to the publishing institution (double blind).

Its aim is the dissemination of the results of scientific works in the field of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health, in the form of high-quality scientific articles that follow the methodology of scientific research and the concepts of ethics, providing scientific knowledge that contributes to the knowledge and solution of health problems.

Its thematic coverage covers the fields of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health. It is aimed at all those interested in scientific articles in the field of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health.

Medicina clínica y social is fully open access: all articles will be accessible immediately and permanently to facilitate their reading and downloading. The permitted reutilization is defined according to the following Creative Commons use license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Medicina clínica y social will be open to the following types of articles: a) Editorials; b) Originals; c) Reviews; d) Case reports; e) Bibliographic comments; f) Letters to the Editor; g) Medicine Lessons; h) Special Articles; and i) Any contribution that the Editorial Committee considers of interest for its publication.


The editorial process begins when the article is received, each article is assigned an associate editor to accompany the editorial process, the associate editor will make preliminary corrections to the article before it begins the review phase. The review phase is double-blinded, and the manuscript will be sent to at least two external reviewers; corrections to the manuscripts may be requested according to their advice. Once the corrections are completed, the editor will accept or reject the submission according to the recommendation of the associate editors. In case of controversies (when the opinions of the peer reviewers do not coincide in their final decision), the decision is left to the discretion of the editor-in-chief with the support of the Drafting Committee. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks between receipt and the first response from the referees.

In the preliminary review process, computerized means will be used to detect plagiarism throughout the article in order to guarantee their quality (currently using the Plagscan software ( If plagiarism is found, the article will be rejected regardless of the editorial stage it is in.


From and preparation of manuscripts


The following documents must be attached separately.

  1. Cover letter

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter stating:

  • Name of the authors with their respective affiliation, as well as the corresponding author's information.
  • The declaration of conflict of interest and financial support.
  • The contribution of the authors.

Author contribution example:

JV-A and JT have participated in the conception and design of the work, collection and obtaining of results, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the manuscript, critical review of the manuscript and approval of its final version. JA-S has participated in the analysis and interpretation of data, drafting of the manuscript, critical review of the manuscript and approval of its final version.

  1. Manuscript file

The manuscript must be included in a Word file in letter size, with 2.5 cm margins, single line spacing, single spacing, 12 point font size, Calibri font (body) and with justified alignment. All pages should be numbered in the lower right-hand corner, starting with the title page. Please do not include the name of the authors in this file.

In the same file, the tables or figures, with their respective titles and legends, must be inserted where they correspond in the text. It is not correct to speak of an image, graph or other names, therefore, only the term table or figure should be used as appropriate.

The manuscript file should include the following sections for all types of articles:

 Firts page:

  • Title in Spanish: clear, concise and specific, without abbreviations.
  • English title: faithful translation from Spanish.
  • Computational word count according to the text editor, counting from the Introduction and covering until the end of the Discussion (the title page, the abstract [spanish and english], the acknowledgments, the references, the tables and the figures are excluded from the count).
  • Number of tables and figures that are attached to the document.
  • Data on the authors of the manuscript should not be included in the file, as these data will be entered into the OJS metadata base and in the cover letter.


  • Structured abstract (introduction, objective, methodology, results and discussion) for original articles or short originals, or unstructured for reviews and case reports, in Spanish and English, written in past tense. Each one should not have more than 300 words. The use of references or acronyms is not allowed. Letters to the Editor, bibliographic comments and Medicine lessons do not require abstracts.


  • 3 to 10 keywords are required in each language (Spanish and English). Consult the descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) of the Index of Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) at; to verify English keywords consult the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the Index Medicus at


  • Should be included before the bibliographic references and after the declaration of conflicts of interest and source of funding.
  • Only the people or entities that have contributed significantly to making the work possible will be included: a) the contributions that should be appreciated but do not justify the inclusion as an author, and b) the acknowledgements for technical help that should be recognized in a different paragraph. All the people specifically mentioned in "Acknowledgments" must know and approve their inclusion in said section..

 Bibliographic references:

  • Number the references consecutively according to the order of the citations mentioned in the text using numerical references (Arabic number in parentheses).
  • References should be as recent and relevant as possible, and carefully written according to the Vancouver format (
  • It is recommended to use reference managers such as Zotero, Mendeley, etc.
  • All original articles must include the DOI at the end of the reference. In case of not having DOI, the URL of the article must be placed

Example of quotations in Vancouver style.

The Quote is a paragraph or idea extracted from a work to support, corroborate or contrast what is expressed. The quotes can be direct or indirect.

  1. Direct quote is the one that is transcribed verbatim. It must be short, less than five lines, is inserted within the text between quotation marks, and the corresponding number is placed at the end, after the quotation marks and before the punctuation mark.

Example: "A gluten-free diet should be established only after the diagnosis has been confirmed, since it can alter serological and histological results" (2).

  1. Indirect quote is the mention of an author's ideas with the words of the writer. It is included within the text without quotation marks, and the reference number is written after the author's last name and before citing his idea.

Example: As Vitoria says (2), the gluten-free diet can alter the serological and histological results.

In the case of a work carried out by more than two authors, the first of them is cited followed by the abbreviation "et al" and its reference number.

If the author is not named, the number will appear at the end of the sentence.

Example: A gluten-free diet can alter serological and histological results, therefore it must be established after confirming the diagnosis (2).

Examples of Vancouver style references.

Complete Book

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Publishing place: Publisher; year.

Bell J. Doing your research project. 5th. ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2005

Volumes with their own title, but by the same authors / editors

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Publishing place: Publisher; year. Pages. Vol. No. Chapter title.

Cicchetti D, Cohen DJ, editors. Developmental psychopathology. Vol. 1, Theory and methods. New York: Johon Wiley & Sons, Inc .; c1995. 787 p.

Serial monographs

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Publishing place: Publisher; year. Pages. (Author / s. Series title. Vol. No.)

Stephens D, editor. Adult audiology. Oxford (UK): Butterworth-Heinemann; c1997. 657 p. (Kerr AG, ed. Scott-Brown's otolaryngology; vol. 2).

Book chapters

Chapter author/s. Chapter title. In: Director / Coordinator / Editor of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Publishing place: Publisher; year. initial-final page of the chapter.

Franklin AW. Management of the problem. In: Smith SM, editor The maltreatment of chil-dren. Lancaster: MTP; 2002. p. 83-95.

Journal article

Author / s. Article title. International abbreviation of the journal. year; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.

Dawes J, Rowley J. Enhancing the customer experience: contributions from information technology, J Business Res. 2005; 36 (5): 350-7.

Conference and conference proceedings (cited as a book)

Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumors V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002.

Communications and presentations

Author / s of the communication / presentation. Title of the communication / presentation. In: Official title of the Congress. Place of Publication: Publisher; year. initial-final page of the communication / presentation.

Anderson JC. Current status of chorion villus biopsy. Paper presented at: APSB 1986. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society, Mothers and Babies; 1986 Sep 8-10; Queensland, Australian. Berlin: Springer; 1986. p. 182-191.

Internet resources


Authors. Title [Internet]. Place: Editor; year [review; consulted]. Available at: url.

Richardson ML. Approaches to differential diagnosis in musculoskeletal imaging [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington School of Medicine; 2007-2008 [revised 2007-2008; cited 2009 Mar 29]. Available from:

Journal articles

Author. Title. Abbreviated name of the journal [Internet] year [consulted]; volume (number): pages or extent indicator. Available at:

Abood S. Quality of improvement initiative in nursing homes. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 [Consulted 22 Nov 2012]; 102 (6). Available at:


Author / s. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Editor; Publication date [revised; consulted]. Available at: email address.

European Space Agency. ESA: Missions, Earth Observation: ENVISAT. [Internet]. [Consulted 3 Jul 2012]. Available at:


Except in specific cases, it will be written by request of the Editor or the Editorial Board on a current issue that refers or not to an article published in the same issue. It will be 1000 words long, with a maximum of 15 bibliographic references, and up to a maximum of 3 authors.

Original Articles

Research articles on Medicine, Health Sciences or Social Sciences applied to Health. They should follow the format of: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion. The maximum length of the text will be 3,500 words and up to 8 figures or tables will be admitted. It is essential to include a structured abstract (Spanish and English), with a length not exceeding 300 words. After the abstract, 3 to 10 keywords (Spanish and Abstract) will be included. The maximum number of authors will be 8. In the case of manuscripts with more than 8 authors, the reason must be justified in the cover letter to the Editor.

Introduction: Begin by writing a brief reference to the researched topic. Write the body of the introduction with a literature review that is relevant to the topic and not very extensive. Add the bibliographic citations corresponding to each article that you have used to write this section. Do not include data or conclusions from the work you have done. Include here the objective (s) of the work and finish by highlighting the relevance of the work. Write it in the present tense.

  • Methodology: Write it in the past tense, clearly describing the design of the work, the selection of subjects for observation or experimentation, clinical-demographic characteristics and time period of the study, and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Identify methods, equipment, and procedures in detail so that other researchers can replicate your results. Identify exactly drugs and chemicals used, with their generic name, dosage and routes of administration. Exactly describe the experiment and the groups of study subjects, as well as their randomization, sample size estimation, and statistical methods used so that the reader can verify the results. Quantify your results and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (confidence intervals, p-value, etc.). Specify the software used.
  • Ethitcal issues: Respect at all times the three basic principles of ethics such as respect for the subjects, the principle of beneficence and that of justice. Names, initials, or number of patient records, descriptions, photographs, or other details that identify the patient may not be published, especially in illustrative material, unless essential for publication. In this case, the patient, parent or legal guardian must express their consent in writing (informed consent). In the case of works that include experiments on human beings, state if the procedures comply with the ethical standards of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the Declaration of Helsinki available at this link. In the case of animal experiments, indicate whether they are compliant with the basic international principles applicable to biomedical research with animals prepared by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the International Council for Science and Animals of Laboratory (ICLAS). All experimental design work must be approved by an accredited Ethical-Scientific Committee.
  • Results: Present your results in a logical sequence using text, tables or figures. Do not repeat the data in tables and figures in the text, however, highlight or summarize the most important observations. Tables, figures and photos will be presented according to the order mentioned in the text, adjusting to the format of the publication, and the publisher may modify them if they present technical difficulties. The number of tables or figures should not exceed 8 and each one should have a title and an explanatory note. Write it in the past tense and do not use bibliographic citations in this section. Do not present the tables with a grid or shading in the text that prevents their good visualization.
  • Discussion: Highlight the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that derive from them, confronting them with results presented by other authors and indicating exactly their bibliographic reference. Do not repeat the results or other information already highlighted in the previous sections of the manuscript. Explain the meaning of your results, the limitations that existed, and refer to the relevance of your findings and / or possible future research work. Relate the results to other experiences and establish the link between the conclusion and the objectives. In other words, conclude by answering the research question or objective that appears in your introduction. To one or more objectives, one or more conclusions, which will be inserted in the last paragraphs of this section. When relevant, you can include recommendations. Write it in the present tense.
  • Bibliographic references: Original articles must contain up to 30 bibliographic references

Review Articles

The journal will give special priority to review papers that focus on current issues in Health Sciences education. The maximum length of the text will be 3,000 words and up to 6 figures or tables will be admitted. It is essential to include an unstructured abstract (Spanish and English), with a length not exceeding 250 words. After the abstract, between 3 and 8 keywords (Spanish and English) will be included. The maximum number of authors will be 6.

Introduction: State and define the topic to be revised, following a careful and detailed review of the literature in order to present all the most relevant data on your topic in recent years.

  • Subtitles: You have the freedom to divide your writing according to the order of your presentation plan using various subtitled sections as you see fit. You can also use illustrative figures, charts, or diagrams that explain details of your review topic. Everything stated should always be supported by the corresponding bibliographic reference.
  • Conclusion: After writing your entire review, you will end your manuscript with a critical conclusion, as a specialist, about the subject reviewed.
  • Bibliographic references: Review articles must contain at least 30 bibliographic references

Case Reports

These are examples of clinical cases of diseases that highlight a striking feature or indicate a special finding, with a brief review of the relevant literature. The maximum length of the text will be 2,000 words, and up to 3 figures or tables will be admitted. It is essential to include an unstructured abstract (Spanish and English), with a length not exceeding 250 words. After the abstract, between 3 and 5 keywords (Spanish and English) will be included. The maximum number of authors will be 6.

The report can describe a single case or a series of similar cases, it should include the following items:

  • Introduction: On the subject with a brief bibliographic review.
  • Presentation of the clinical case: Fully describe the case (s) to be presented, one by one, without including references, in the present tense.
  • Discussion: Follow the discussion methodology as in an original article based on the literature review. Also include differential diagnoses.
  • Bibliographic references: No more than 15 bibliographic references.

Medical Lessons

Through its editorial policy, the Editorial Board of Medicina Clínica y Social promotes the publication of the section “Medicine Lessons”, which will proactively contemplate the different aspects of training in Medicine, Health Sciences and applied Social Sciences to Health, through the presentation of problem cases and medical exercises. This section will be written at the invitation of the Editor, its maximum length will be 1000 words, 5 bibliographic references and 1 table or figure. The number of authors will not exceed 3.

Special Articles

This section will include articles related to Medicine and / or Health Sciences that, due to their length or other characteristics, cannot be considered for the “Reviews” section. These articles will be prepared at the invitation of the Editorial Board. The maximum length and the number of tables or figures will be agreed with the Editorial Board. It is essential to include an unstructured abstract (Spanish and English), with a length not exceeding 300 words. After the abstract, between 3 and 8 keywords (Spanish and English) will be included. The article must have at least 25 bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors will be 6.

Letter to the Editor

The Editorial Board encourages readers of Medicina Clínica y Social to submit comments, considerations or objections regarding articles recently published in the journal and, in some cases, on relevant articles published in other journals, or current issues. The maximum length will be 500 words, 5 bibliographic references and 1 table or figure. The number of authors will not exceed 3.




Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted in Spanish or English electronically through the Open Jounal System (OJS). Each author will include their ORCID number in the manuscript in order to submit their submission. The journal accepts submissions from preprint servers, as well as will make use of them or allow their use by the authors until the moment of publication.

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Creative Commons License All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons.

Avda. Primeros Consejales casi 11 de setiembre
Santa Rosa del Aguaray, Paraguay
Tel.: 0971931699
