ISSN 2521-2281 online version



Basic information

Medicina clínica y social (Med. clín. soc.), ISSN 2521-2281 (online) is the first peer-reviewed scientific journal in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences published, as a contribution of the Social Anthropology Department,  in the Santa Rosa del Aguaray Campus of the School of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción, Paraguay. Its primary purpose is the dissemination of the results of scientific works in the fields of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health, in the form of high-quality scientific articles that follow scientific research methods and the concepts of ethics, providing scientific knowledge that contributes to the knowledge and solution of health problems. It is published quarterly in one volume per year. The journal accepts pre-published or pre-printed articles (preprint) on servers with this methodology.


Indexed in

The articles published in the Medicina clínica y social are indexed or summarized by:

  • SciELO Paraguay
  • DOAJ
  • Catálogo de Latindex
  • Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)
  • Directory of Open Acces Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
  • Google Scholar
  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Intellectual property

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution type BY



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Creative Commons License All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons.

Avda. Primeros Consejales casi 11 de setiembre
Santa Rosa del Aguaray, Paraguay
Tel.: 0971931699
