ISSN 1996-3696 printed version
ISSN 2707-7918 online version



Scope and policy

The Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical, of Asunción - Paraguay, accepts for its publication works related to medicine and related sciences. The journal publishes original articles, clinical cases, review articles and letters to the editor, both in Spanish and English.

For plagiarism detecction the journal uses the program plagious

The submitted works must be unpublished. The Instituto de Medicina Tropical reserves all the rights of programming, printing or total or partial reproduction of the material it receives, in any case giving the corresponding credit to the authors of it. The works and opinions published in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The authors give the Journal the ownership of their copyright, so that the articles are published and disseminated in any form or medium, under a Creative Commons Attribution License. If the author wishes to republish what has already appeared in the Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical, he requires prior written authorization from the editor of the Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical.

All material proposed for publication and presented to Rev. Inst. Med. Trop will be reviewed by the Editor and / or Editorial Board and subsequently sent to "external evaluation by peers", to two evaluators or scientific peers. The evaluation of the articles by peer reviewers is done anonymously by both authors and evaluators, guaranteeing confidentiality. The publisher will inform the principal or corresponding author about: 1. the reception of their work; 2. the comments of the reviewers; and, 3. the final decision on the publication of your manuscript in the journal. The journal reserves the right to accept or reject the articles and to make suggestions to improve its presentation.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


General presentation
The manuscript must have a cover indicating clearly the COMPLETE TITLE of the article, the NAMES OF THE AUTHORS and their AFFILIATIONS (Name of the University, Foundation, Institute or Dependency, Hospital, complete address of the same and city). The name of the author should also be included on the cover page, to whom all correspondence and e-mail should be addressed, if any.
The first page should contain, a summary of the article, with a maximum of 250 words, and 4 to 6 key words alphabetically. The second page must contain an Abstract with a maximum of 250 words (in English) and 4 to 6 (Keywords) arranged alphabetically.
All the text must be written in double space on letter paper and leaving at least 2 cm of margin on the sides.
The print must be clear and the font size must be 12 points (Times New Roman). The text should be written in a PASSIVE voice. For abbreviations, the nomenclature approved by the international union of the respective discipline must be used.
The article must include the following sections:
• Introduction
• Materials and methods (the study area must be included for field studies)
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusions
• Thanks
• Literature cited
• Legend of the figures
• Figures
• Boards
After the title of the article, the name of the author or authors must appear as follows:
a) Last name with initial capital and the other letters in lowercase, initials of the first name in capital letters followed by a comma, (example: Juan Pérez)
b) If the author wants to write two surnames they must be linked by a script (example: Juan Lozano-Torres).

The presentation of the aforementioned literature will be done as follows:

Andrade, G .; Ruíz, J.P. and Gómez, R. Biodiversity, conservation and use of natural resources. First edition. CEREC - Fiedrich Ebert Foundation of Colombia. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. 1992. pp. 126.

Articles in journals
Augsburger, C.K. Seed dispersal of the tropical tree, Platypodium elegans, and the escape of its seedlings from fungal pathogens. Journal of Ecology 1983. 71: 759-771.

Edited books
Rivas, L.I .; Chicharro, C. and Díaz, P. Parasite-host cell systems in Trypanosomatidae. In: Rivas, L.I. and López, M.C. (eds.). New trends in molecular parasitology. Superior Council of Scientific Investigations. Madrid Spain. 1993. pp. 185-216.
Tamayo, M. (Degree work) Effect of the disturbance of fragmented forests on the behavior and size of a community of primates in the piedmont. Degree work. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. 1997
Gutierrez, H. Use of the song as a phylogenetic characteristic in the cucaracheros (Troglodytidae: Birds). Master's Thesis. University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. 1990

Avoid the use of footnotes. Most of this information can be included in the main text of the article for the benefit of readers, publishers and printers.

Figures and tables
The figures should not be included within the text of the article. Each figure must go on a separate page without the corresponding legend, but with clear and large axes and bookmarks. SI units must be used (International System of units).
If photos are sent, they should be in black and white and medium-sized letter or letter on high-contrast paper. Each figure must fill an entire page either horizontally or vertically, depending on its structure. Place behind the page where the figure is the corresponding number in pencil (eg Figure 3). The original figures are sent only when the article has been accepted for publication, in the meantime clear photocopies must be sent. Include on a separate page the legend of all the figures in the article. The tables should also not be included in the main text of the manuscript.

The journal accepts articles of opinion on any subject related to medical and related sciences. Opinion articles should include a cover and abstract in English and Spanish, following the same indications as the scientific articles.
However, the text must be continuous, without sections (in the form of an essay), and not exceed 10 pages in length (without including cover and summary sheets). If the article includes figures or tables, these should be prepared and annexed in the same way as for scientific articles. The same applies for the cited literature, footnotes and equations. If the revision of a book is sent, a bibliographic review should be included on the cover, using the format to quote the journal's books (see above). Book reviews should not include a summary, but a title.
Apply the other rules to write opinion pieces


Sending of manuscripts

The articles should be sent (1copy in paper and an electronic format (CD, pen drive), including photocopies of the figures, illustrations or photographs) to the following address:
Department of Research and Teaching of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical
Venezuela almost Florida. Instituto de Medicina Tropical. Asunción - Paraguay.
Tel: (+595 21) 292 654 Internal 2030
Department of Research and Teaching of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical
On behalf of:
Prof. Dr. Antonio Arbo Sosa, Editor of the Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical.

Once the article is accepted for publication, the author must send to the editorial office the originals of figures and photos, as well as a version of the article in word processor (Word 7.0 or higher).

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Avda. Venezuela casi Florida
Asunción, Paraguay
Tel.: 595-21-292654
Fax: 595-21-292164
