| Table of contents Rev. cient. cienc. salud vol.1 no.2 Asunción Dec. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Artículos Originales | | | | · Knowledge and non-compliance of hand washing protocol of health staff in adult intensive care unit of Hospital Nacional de Itauguá Acosta Torreani, Ricardo; González Palacios, Navila Cruz; Machuca Fleitas, Jazmín Fabiola; Ullón Miranda, Pablo; Ortega Filártiga, Edgar
| | | | · Implementation of preventive measures for Health Care Associated Infections (HCAI) in a department of pediatric intensive care Ozuna, Myriam Paola; Delgadillo Vester, Lorena; Jiménez, Jimmy
| | | | · Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with tuberculosis. Hospital Nacional Experience Montiel, Dora; Escurra, Lizzie; Domínguez, Laura
| | | | · Frequency of diagnosed diverticulosis byenema colon in adult patients Arrua-Torres, Ángel Alberto; Benítez, Nilda Noemí; Achinelli-Báez, Marcela
| | | | · In vitro coronal microfiltration with four temporary filling materials in endodontic cavities Martínez, Alejandra Portillo; Peralta, Marlene; Keim, Liz
| | | | · Microbiological Quality of macerated medicinal plants used for the consumption of Tereré in Asuncion and the Great Asuncion regions of Paraguay Richer, Yolanda; Silva, Ana; Garlisi, Daniela; Ruiz Diaz, Stephany
| | | Reporte de Casos | | | | · Keratitis by Acanthamoeba sp. in users of contact lenses: clinical cases Abente, Sonia; Franco, Idalina; Guillén, Rosa; Samudio, Margarita; Duré, Carolina; Bordón, Marco
| | | Artículo de Opinión | | | | · Competencies of the doctor of the 21st century. A necessary change Morán Barrios, Jesús
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