| Sumário Rev. cient. cienc. salud vol.1 no.1 Asunción jun. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Artículos Originales | | | | · Utility of the Alvarado Scale in patients with suspected acute appendicitis in a public hospital in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay Cárdenas, Oscar; Samudio, Margarita
| | | | · Determinants of health related to visceral leishmaniasis in residents of the San Francisco neighborhood of Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná, 2017 Giménez Ayala, Andrea Elizabeth; García, Francisca Elizabeth; Barboza Lisboa, Celia Liz
| | | | · Knowledge on healthy food and physical activity in teachers of an educational center Velázquez-Comelli, Patricia; Núñez, Analía; Collante, Carolina
| | | | · Benefits and limitations of the implementation of Learning Based on the Community from the perspective of the students of the career of Nutrition of the Universidad del Pacífico - Paraguay Velázquez, Patricia; Galeano, Clara
| | | | · Evaluation of advanced airway management in a pediatric emergency department Céspedes, Liz; Morilla, Laura; Mesquita, Mirta; Pavlicich, Viviana
| | | | · Control of dental biofilm in children through a motivational strategy based on the home use of disclosing agents Gini Martínez, Fiorella; González Acosta, María del Carmen; Meden, Liz Keim; Nakayama, Héctor David; Núñez Mendieta, Heriberto
| | | | · Cryopreservation of the RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii using as cryopreservant DMSO and glycerol Ozuna, Carmen; Rojas, Alejandra; Arias, Laura; Meza,, Teresa; Guillén,, Yvalena; Acosta, María Eugenia
| | | Reporte de Casos | | | | · Importance of finishing and polishing in resin composite restorations in anterior teeth. Case Report Servián, Lourdes
| | | Artículos de Revisión | | | | · Effect of bariatric surgery on the metabolism of lipoproteins rich in triglycerides Nogueira, Juan Patricio
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