| Table of contents Rev. parag. reumatol. vol.5 no.2 Asunción Dec. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Immunotherapy in cancer management in Paraguay Fleitas, Tania; Paciello, Maria Liz
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Vitamin D levels and its association with disease activity and quality of life in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis from ISSEMYM Toluca Maternal Children‘s Hospital Mendieta-Zerón, Samara; Ruiz-González, Mateo Sebastian; Martín-de Saro, Mónica Denisse
| | | | · Mortality and causes of death in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Montiel, Dora; Cacace, Paola
| | | | · Survey regarding ANCA associated vasculitis management by rheumatologists and nefrologists in Paraguay Zanotti-Cavazzoni, Magali
| | | Artículos de Revisión | | | | · Ocular Toxicity of Hydroxychloroquine Ojeda, Aldo; Miers Granada, Gloria Rossana
| | | Casos Clínicos | | | | · Systemic sclerosis and cutaneous psoriasis, a rare association Valinotti, Vannia; Acosta-Colman, Isabel
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