| Table of contents Rev. ciente. UCSA vol.2 no.1 Asunción June 2015 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Política de investigación en la Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas-UCSA Villalba, José B
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Good Manufacturing Practices and preliminary study for the implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System in a Dairy Industry in Paraguay Casanueva Ojeda, M
| | | | · Assessment of fluoride in infusions yerba or tea Miño Valdés, JE; Serdiuk, JD; Tannuri, T; Cantero, M; Tannuri, C; Pisani, HO
| | | | · Wine Made with native yeasts and niagara grape Miño Valdés, JE; Actis, MA; Herrera Garay, JL; González Suarez, E
| | | | · Study of wave resource with CFD simulations Valdez, P; Pereiras, B; Castro, F
| | | | · Determination of hydropower resources using GIS tools: basin of Ypané River Vallejos, J; Bortoni, E
| | | Temas de Actualidad | | | | · Theory and Experience: the problems of qualitative methods in educationar research Neuser, H
| | | | · Paraguayan differential lexicography: Challenges settle Peralta de Aguayo, EM
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