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Revista Virtual de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Medicina Interna
versão On-line ISSN 2312-3893


Rev. virtual Soc. Parag. Med. Int. vol.9 no.1 Asunción mar. 2022

 ·  What does the omicron variant bring us?
Celauro Falcón, Hugo

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 Artículos Originales
 ·  Hemodialysis quality in patients with chronic kidney disease at the Hospital Nacional of Itauguá
Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola de Jesús; Rondelli Martinez, Lis Faviola; Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Figueredo Martinez, Hugo Javier; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita

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 ·  Risk factors associated with hemodialysis catheter infection in a referral center
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola De Jesús; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Figueredo Martínez, Hugo Javier; Rondelli Martínez, Lis Faviola

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 ·  Epidemiological study of patients with diabetes mellitus at the Yanequen family health center, Chile
Barría Ocaranza, Rodrigo; Morales Ojeda, Ismael Antonio; Cerda Aedo, Javiera

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 ·  Frequency of chronic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a third level hospital
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola De Jesús; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Figueredo Martínez, Hugo Javier; Martínez, Lis Faviola Rondelli; Venialgo, Ever Joaquín Báez

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 ·  Neutrophil-lymphocyte index as a predictor of the development of severe pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2 in the Hospital Nacional
Escobar-Salinas, Jorge Sebastián; Sobarzo-Vysokolan, Patricia María Beatriz

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 ·  Characterization of sepsis in adult patients of the Hospital Nacional
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola De Jesús; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Figueredo Martínez, Hugo Javier; Rondelli Martínez, Lis Faviola

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 ·  Prevalence of antinuclear antibodies in apparently healthy residents of the Hospital de Clínicas, San Lorenzo.
Pitta Villasboa, Giovanni Marcel; Frontanilla, Tamara; Servián, Luz; Ortiz, Xavier; Henning, Renate; Ortiz Galeano, Ignacio

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 ·  Causes of death in adult patients with heart failure admitted to the National Hospital in the period 2017-2021
Figueredo Martinez, Hugo Javier; Montiel-Jarolin, Dora; Rondelli Martinez, Lis Faviola; Duarte Arevalos, Luis Enrique; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Giménez Vazquez, Fabiola de Jesús; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita

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 ·  Characterization of acute myocardial infarction in patients treated at a referral center
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes, Alma María Carmelita; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola De Jesús; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Figueredo Martínez, Hugo Javier; Rondelli Martínez, Lis Faviola

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 ·  Clinical characterization of hypertensive crises in adult patients hospitalized at the Hospital Nacional of Itauguá in 2021
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes, Alma María Carmelita; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique; Giménez Vázquez, Fabiola De Jesús; Olmedo Mercado, Edis Fabiola; Figueredo Martínez, Hugo Javier; Rondelli Martínez, Lis Faviola

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 Reportes de Casos
 ·  Immune thrombocytopenic purpura after vaccination against COVID-19
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Ruíz Diaz Ros, Leda Liz

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 ·  Adult with spontaneous epidural spinal hematoma
Dávalos Ortiz, José Carlos; Sobarzo Vysokolán, Patricia María; Garcete Espínola, Jazmín Soledad

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 ·  Extensive venous thrombosis in a patient with inferior vena cava agenesis
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier

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 ·  Dermatosis neglecta
Gutiérrez Fretes, Lenny Gabriela; Rivelli de Oddone, Victoria Beatriz

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 ·  Meningeal and pulmonary cryptococcosis in an immunocompetent patient
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Duarte Arévalos, Luis Enrique

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 ·  Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, initial manifestation in a patient with HIV
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes, Alma María Carmelita

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 ·  Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus
Ibáñez Franco, Elvis Javier; Fretes Ovelar, Alma María Carmelita

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 ·  Chronic gouty arthritis
Sánchez Insfrán, José Martín

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