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Revista de salud publica del Paraguay
versão impressa ISSN 2224-6193versão On-line ISSN 2307-3349


Rev. salud publica Parag. vol.8 no.2 Asunción dez. 2018

 ·  The epidemiological transition and the double burden of disease
Sequera, Guillermo

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 Artículos Originales
 ·  Epidemiological behavior of HIV in Paraguay, 2017
Aguilar, Gloria; Kawabata, Aníbal; Samudio, Tania; Rios-Gonzalez, Carlos Miguel

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 ·  Prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and sexual/reproductive antecedents of natives of Caaguazú, Paraguay 2015-2017
Velázquez, Celso; Kawabata, Aníbal; Rios-González, Carlos Miguel

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 ·  Knowledge, prevention and biosecurity practices about Brucellosis of workers exposed to risk of dairy data of Caaguazú-Paraguay
Arbo, Laura Mendoza de; Céspedes, Laura González; Martínez, Patricia Echeverría; Benítez, Hugo Idoyaga; Britos, Marcos Medina; Caballero, Edgar Giménez; Candia, Fernando Figueredo; Desvars, Alicia Benítez; Silveira, Antonio Macchi; Pizarro, Fernando

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 ·  Staphylococcus Aureus in food manipulators of gastronomic services of Asunción, Paraguay (2017)
Salina, M; Scholz, L; Servián, N; Romero, M; Samudio, T; Ruiz, V; Rojas, W; Riquelme, F; Riera, H; Rodríguez, D; Serrano, J; Rolón, S; Romero, C; Saldívar, F; Salvaré, P; Samaniego, G; Segovia, G; Rivas, E; Sisa, M; Sotomayor, M; Canese, J; Ramos, P

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 ·  Intensified surveillance of public health events in communities displaced by floods in Paraguay, 2015-2016
Pedrozo, María Esther; Irala, Sandra Verónica; Gómez, Silvia Beatriz; Vázquez, Fátima Aidé; Cabello, María Águeda; Villafañe, Margarita

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 ·  Ophidic related accidents notified to the National Program of Control of Zoonosis and National Anti-rabies Center, Paraguay (2015)
Alonso, A; Vera, R; Silva, EO; Portillo, C; Miret, J; Canese, J; Ramos, P

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 ·  Infections in burned children admitted to the National Center for Burns and Reconstructive Surgery (CENQUER) Paraguay from January 2017 to January 2018
Bruno, Balmelli; José, Sandoval; Gabriela, Canata

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 Artículo Especial
 ·  Communication Strategies for controlling Aedes aegypti breading sites as a result of Dengue epidemic 2017-2018 in Asunción and Central, Paraguay
Mónica, Prado; Edgar, Sanabria

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 Artículo de Revisión
 ·  Policies and programs that reduce catastrophic health expenditures in low and middle income countries
Edgar, Giménez Caballero; Laura, Flores; Nestor, Peralta

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