| Table of contents Investig. Agrar. vol.20 no.1 San Lorenzo June 2018 Press Release | | | |
Artículos Científicos | | | | · Replacing corn by dried citrus pulp in diets for lambs: productive performance and characteristics of non-carcass components Ocampos Olmedo, Diego Avilio; Medina, Diego; Alonzo Griffith, Luis Alberto; Lezcano, Carlos Alberto
| | | | · Effect of common bean cultivation with co-inoculation (Rhizobium tropici and Azospirillum brasilense) and irrigation depths on the physiological quality of the seeds produced Ribeiro Peres, Amanda; Portugal, José Roberto; Ferreira Rodrigues, Ricardo Antônio; Sá, Marco Eustáquio de; Arf, Orivaldo; Franco, Aline Aparecida; Martins Garé, Lucas
| | | | · Effects of five planting density on pea lines Pisum sativum L. with the mutant gene afila Burbano Erazo, Esteban; Domínguez Chauza, Jhon Jairo; Checa Coral, Oscar Eduardo
| | | | · Effects temperature on soybean and corn in Mato Grosso do Sul Ferreira Nascimento, Wellington; Severino da Costa, Jaqueline; Pinheiro Padovese Peixoto, Paula; Lesmo Duarte, Nelson David
| | | | · Effect of fungicides on anthracnose (Colletotrichum fragariae Brooks) on strawberry plants [Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier] Adorno Chavez, Marcial; Soilán Duarte, Laura Concepción
| | | | · Processing and physico-chemical properties of coconut pulp (Acrocomia aculeata) for use as an ingredient in a foodstuff Valdovinos Aguilera, Victoria Viviana; Mongelós Viedma, Sandra Elizabeth; Nuñez Vega, Clara; Yubero Cazzola, María Fátima
| | | | · Influence of environmental factors on the zooplankton community of the artificial lagoons in Ñu Guasú Park, Central Department, Paraguay Villalba Duré, Gustavo Adolfo; Benítez Rodas, Gilberto Antonio; Núñez Goralewski, Karina Beatriz
| | | | · Arboreal vegetation dynamics of the Estepa Seasonal Sabana in the Espinillo State Park Watzlawick, Luciano Farinha; Mokochinski, Filemon; Granados Corrales, Luis Guillermo; Zerbielli, Luiz Carlos; Longhi, Regis Vilanova
| | | Notas de Investigación | | | | · Seeds of Salvia hispanica L., "chia" as a source of macronutrients, dietary fiber and minerals Michajluk Barboza, Boris Javier; Piris Jara, Patricia Adelaida; Mereles Ceupens, Laura Graciela; Wiszovaty Ramírez, Lourdes Norma; Caballero de Colombo, Silvia Beatriz
| | | | · Natural enemies of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) present in wheat growing areas in Paraguay González Torres, Rebeca; González Segnana, Luis R.; Arias, Osmar René; Ramírez de López, María Bernarda
| | | | · Molecular identification of Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae: Heliothinae) in Amambay Department, Paraguay Ferreira Agüero, Marcos Arturo; Gusman Sosa, Enson; Arias, Osmar René
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