Artículos Originales |
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| · The Right to Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The principle of interdependence as a parameter for the creation and maintenance of public policies Oliveira, Marcus Vinícius Xavier de
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| · The phenomenon of “agencification” in the administration of the European Union Baca, Werner Miguel Kühn
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| · Towards a more efficient regional integration: The impacts on MERCOSUR of the Association Agreement with the European Union and a change for a better implementation Garcia Blanksman, Ramiro
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| · Arbitration between trade blocs in the MERCOSUR - EUROPEAN UNION Agreement Ortiz, Godofredo Agustín
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| · Divorce as an instrument for the circulation of family status in MERCOSUR and in the European Union Torres, Marcos Vinicius
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| · The contribution of the courts of the states of MERCOSUR in the development of the statute of citizenshipt Nascimento, Victor Hugo Alcalde do
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| · MERCOSUR 30 years: challenges, achievements and the future of regional integration Vaconcelos, Raphael Carvalho de
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| · Les contrats commerciaux internationaux face aux situations de crises sanitaires transnationales dans le cadre du MERCOSUR Mazzuoli, Valerio de Oliveira; Prado, Gabriella Boger
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| · Analysis of Laudo No. 01/2012: How urgency measures work in the Permanent Court of Review Figueiredo, Nanny Santana Leal de; Lima, Mário Jorge Philocreon de Castro
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| · Decades in the making: the EU-MERCOSUR Agreement Thudium, Guilherme; Geiger, Luana Margarete; Castillo, Marc; Sapper, Sírio
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Reseñas |
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| · El derecho internacional privado del MERCOSUR en la práctica de los tribunales internos de los estados partes Vieira, Gustavo Oliveira
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| · The protection of intellectual property rights under international investment law Rivero Godoy, Juan Manuel
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