| Table of contents Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.11 no.1 Itauguá June 2019 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Update on systemic lupus erythematosus Sobarzo de Vysokolan, Patricia
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Hematological manifestations in adult patients with systemic lupus erythematosus García Bello, Enrique; Torres de Taboada, Estela
| | | | · Comorbidities of nervous anorexia and bulimia in pediatrics Godoy Sánchez, Laura Evangelina; Albrecht Roman, Wilian Rene; Mesquita Ramírez, Mirta Noemí
| | | | · Uses of information and communication technologies in the Career of Nursing, UNA, Paraguay 2017 Bernal Céspedes, Cornelia
| | | | · Relationship between urinary sodium excretion, blood pressure and BMI in young adults Ortiz, Jorge Willian; Aveiro, Alba Concepción; Ortega Filartiga, Edgar
| | | | · Clinical features of in-hospital anemia Martínez Díaz, Ana Liz; Aveiro, Alba Concepción
| | | | · Frequency of iron deficiency in patients with heart failure Escurra, Lizzie; Torres de Taboada, Estela
| | | Caso Clínico | | | | · Splenic abscess post-traumatic Acosta Brunaga, Lorenzo Diosnel; Escandriolo, Víctor; Ramírez, Marcelo
| | | | · Cecum blind ischemia as an unexpected finding Toscano Ponce, Andrés; Rios González, Carlos Miguel; de Benedictis Serrano, Ginno Alessandro; Guerra Tello, María José; Palacios Gallegos, Alexander Bolivar
| | | | · Ohtahara syndrome: a case presentation associated with Pierre Robin syndrome Godoy Torales, Gladys Maribel; Rienzi Grassi, Rocio Raquel; Aldana Amabile, Alicia Carolina; Cano Arrieta, Héctor
| | | | · Hypertension secondary to primary hyperaldosteronism González González, Nelson Rodrigo; Ferreira Bogado, Miguel; Cano Arrieta, Héctor
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