| Table of contents Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.9 no.2 Itauguá Dec. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Clinical problems in medical mycology: experience in hospitals of Paraguay Ricart, Martha RosaLourdes Marín
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Dermatophytes: casuistry in the Mycology Section of the Central Public Health Laboratory, Asunción - Paraguay (2000 - 2016) Aguilar Fernández, Gustavo; Araujo López, Patricia; Arce, Nilfo; Martínez Mora, Mario
| | | | · Isolation of Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum in asymptomatic cats from the metropolitan area of Asunción-Paraguay Díaz, Melissa Gabriela; Sanabria, Liz Soledad; Aguilar, Gustavo; Araujo, Patricia; Pereira, José; Plans, José Félix
| | | | · Depressive disorders in students of medicine of the Universidad International Tres Fronteras "Uninter", Ciudad del Este, Paraguay (2016) De Dio, Stephannie; Ramírez Soto, Andrea Beatriz; Rocha, Brenda Caroline E; Mezzomo da Fonseca, Kethlyn; Ottoni, Leticia; Chamorro, Raphael César; Handam, Yasmin; Espínola, Víctor Hugo; Ramos, Pasionaria
| | | | · Depression and quality of life in women with cervical cancer at the Regional Hospital of Encarnación Céspedes, Nohelia; Aparicio, Celeste
| | | | · Laboratory diagnosis of hemorrhagic coagulopathies in patients of the National Hospital of Itauguá Vera Báez, Lidia Del Pilar; Bordón Álvarez, Deisy
| | | Sporotrichosis transmitted by domestic cat. A family case report García Duarte, Jesús Manuel; Wattiez Acosta, Víctor Raúl; Fornerón Viera, Patricia María Laura; Aldama Caballero, Arnaldo; Gorostiaga Matiauda, Graciela Asunción; Rivelli de Oddone, Victoria Beatriz; Pereira Brunelli, José Guillermo
| | | Intestinal intussusception due to an inflammatory fibroid polyp (vanek tumor) Pintos Fernández, Pedro Mariano; Ramírez Sotomayor, Julio; González, Mercedes Gardenia; Berdejo Figueredo, Diego Moisés
| | | Left atrial myxoma: manifestation due to lipotimia and syncopal episodes of short duration Jarolín Figueredo, Jorge
| | | Colonic obstruction by gallstone Acosta Brunaga, Lorenzo Diosnel; Cabañas Adorno, Silvio Alfredo; Rojas Villarreal, Hugo Hernán; Escandriolo Peña, Víctor Andrés
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