| Table of contents Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. vol.6 no.1 Asunción July 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Down syndrome and infection: a commitment to ethical and scientific physician
| | | Articulos Originales | | | | · Prevalence of Bacterial Infections by opportunistic pathogens or common in PLWA Ortega, Edgar; Taboada, Aurelia
| | | | · Case-control study of infections requiring hospitalization in children with Down syndrome Araya, Soraya; Sanabria, Gabriela; Lovera, Dolores; Apodaca, Silvio; Acuña, Julia; Arbo, Antonio
| | | | · Epidemiology clinical and laboratory for snake bites in patients hospitalized Moreno, Corina
| | | | · Observational descriptive study of the oral lesions presents in patients with HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on intermediate/chronic and final/crisis phase of disease González Estigarribia, Mara Celeste; Pérez de Monferrato, Adriana Patricia; Velázquez Llamas, Alicia
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