| Table of contents An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) vol.38 no.4 Asunción Dec. 2005 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Competition mediated acces ate University
| | | Monografia | | | | · Domiciliary medical visits to older adults de Mestral, Enrique
| | | | · Hereditary trombofilia. Prevalence of mutations in factor II, V and in the Metiltetrahidrofolato Reductasa, in a population of donors of Blood of Paraguay Martínez, Imelda; Valdez, Rosa; Azambuja, Carlos; Estrada, Nicolás
| | | | · Hemodiálisis rentability in the Clinics Hospital Sckell de Duarte, Carmen
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Survery about nutrition knoweldgs between intensives medical doctors in Asuncion public Hospital Goiburu-Bianco, M. E; Jure-Goiburu, M. M.; Bianco-Cáceres, H.F.; Filártiga, A; Lawes, C; Ortiz, C
| | | | · Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding. The Baptist Medical Centers experience Samaniego, Castor; Casco, Eva T; Cristaldo, Carlos M.
| | | | · The impact of malnutrition on morbidity, mortality and length of hospital stay in trauma patients Goiburu, ME; Jure Goiburu, MM; Bianco, H; Ruiz Diaz, J; Alderete, F; Palácios, MC; Cabral, V; Escobar, D
| | | | · Intraoperative 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) application during primary trabeculectomy Carron Alvarado, Agustín; Lovera, Mónica; Duarte Servián, Edgar; Ayala Lugo, Rosa María
| | | | · Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada. Syndrome. A case report Carron Alvarado, Agustín; Castro, Ingrid; Cibils, Pablo; Ayala Haedo, Luis
| | | | · Comparison between the non contact tonometer and the conventional goldmann applanation tonometer in the ophthalmologic practice Lovera Rivas, Mónica; Carron Alvarado, Agustín; Ayala Lugo, Rosa María
| | | | · Cancer of the goldbladder: the limitations in diagnosis and treatment Rojas M, Rubén; Samaniego A, Castor
| | | | · Bilateral Digerminoma : Reporto f a case and bibliography review Ojeda Fiore, Hugo; Escobar, Erwin; Perrotta, Francisco
| | | | · Tolerance to celecoxib in patients with intoleance to NASIDs Espínola, Silvio; Repka, Susana; Brizuela, Marta
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