| Sumário An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) v.38 n.1-2 Asunción abr. 2005 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Superior education reform
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Diagnóstico citohistoquímico sistemático en biopsias de médula ósea y citologías hematológicas en el Paraguay Figueredo Thiel, Susy Jacqueline
| | | | · Delayed diagnose of patients with cancer Yoffe de Quiroz, Ita
| | | | · Clinical expresión and evolution of epilepsy in consanguineous families in a reserved community in the paraguayan Chaco Cabrera Cubilla, Marta
| | | | · Treatment of patients with Grave´s disease with 131I Jara Yorg, Jorge Antonio
| | | | · Serum levels of leptin and insulin in obese and non obese subjects Jiménez, Maria Cristina
| | | | · Dyslipidemia in the elderly Gómez Cantore, José Aníbal
| | | Artículos de Interes | | | | · Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The experience in privated medical center Samaniego, Castor; Gómez, Sandra; Ramírez Nizza, Raúl; Ojeda, Osvaldo; Rodríguez, Gabriel
| | | | · Serious pneumonie as cause of entrante in adults´ICU Micheletto, Genoveva; Ferreira, Fernando; Báez, Santiago; Bianco, Hugo; Figueredo, Belinda; Ayala, Carlos; Arrúa Torreani, Néstor
| | | Multidisciplinary management and prenatal diagnosis of myotonic distrophy adult from in pregnancy Ruoti Cosp, Miguel; Fabre González, Ernesto; Ornat Clemente, Lia; González de Agüero Laborda, Rafael; Barco Marcellán, María Jesús; Sobreviela Laserrada, Mercedes; Lopez Daniel, Oros; Torrijo, Cristina
| | | Temas de Actualidad | | | | · The threat of a pandemic by avian influenza (H5N1) Portillo, C; Canese, J
| | | Anecdotario | | | | · Informe final de la visita de inspección (cont
) 15º Parte Riveros, Néstor E.
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