| Table of contents Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud vol.16 no.3 Asunción Dec. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Editorial Galvan, Pedro
| | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Optimization of a conventional PCR technique for detection of human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 Bernal Aguirre, Laura Elena; Mongelós-Dacunte, Pamela Esther; Alfonzo Salinas, Tania Mabel; Cardozo, Fátima; Mendoza Torres, Laura Patricia
| | | | · Comparative study of dissolution profiles of prednisone 20 mg tablets marketed in Peru Casanova-Godoy, Luis Antonio Martín; Castillo-Saavedra, Ericson Félix; Reynoso-Leyva, Elva Milagros; Ayala-Jara, Carmen Isolina
| | | | · Family dysfunction and its impact in the adolescent. Rosa Mística Neighborhood - Paraguay, 2012 Cusihuamán-Puma, Antonio Ulises; Vert-Gossen, Víctor Rodolfo; Medina-Rodríguez, Julia Raquel; Ávalos, Domingo Santiago; Ferreira-Gaona, Marta Inés; Díaz-Reissner, Clarisse Virginia
| | | | · Molecular surveillance of malaria in potential wild reservoirs that live in a historically endemic region of Paraguay del Puerto, Florencia; Pésole, Diana; Molina, Santiago; Vera, Karen; Arias, Marcela; Sosa, Javier; Ortiz, María Luisa; Fernández, José; Garay, Anastacio
| | | | · Antigenic profile in the acute and chronic phase of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women using the Western Blot technique González-Achar, Idelina; González-Vatteone, Cecilia; Arévalo-de Guillén, Ivalena; Carpinelli, María Mercedes; Meza, Teresa; Aria, Laura; Rojas, Alejandra; Infazón, Belén; Acosta, María Eugenia
| | | | · Urinary tract infections in children with neurogenic bladder and resistance patterns of most frequent urological pathogens Molin, Clotilde; Del Valle, Elvira; González, Lourdes; Figueredo, Liliana
| | | | · Prevalence of syphilis and characteristics of the behavior of indigenous young people of Paraguay, 2016 Ortiz, Analía; Estigarribia, Gladys; Aguilar, Gloria; Espinosa Miranda, Angélica; Farland, William Mc; Rios-González, Carlos Miguel; Kawabata, Anibal; Muñoz, Sergio; Samudio, Tania; López, Gladys; Rodriguez, Aldo
| | | | · Knowledge and perception about euthanasia in medical students from seventeen Latin American countries, 2017 Rios-González, Carlos Miguel; De Benedictis-Serrano, Ginno Alessandro; Córdova-Rivas, Génesys José; Contreras-Romero, María Lucía; Contreras-Lugo, Laura Valentina
| | | | · Telemedicine in Paraguay: Contributions of the Institute of Research in Health Sciences, National University of Asunción (IICS-UNA) Rivas, Ronald; Galván, Pedro
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