| Table of contents Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud vol.9 no.2 Asunción Dec. 2011 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | | | | Artículos Originales | | | | · Effectiveness of the loofa (Luffa cylindrica. L Roem) brush in the supragingival plaque removal. Paraguay, 2010 Pérez Bejarano, NM I; Forcadell, SM; Del valle, NE; Alarcón, VS; Centeno, J; Sanabria, D
| | | | · Morbidity perceived by residents of Bañado Sur previous to the implementation of the Community Surveillance of acute febrile syndrome, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Samudio, M; Cabral, MB; Ascurra, M; Cabello, A; Paez, M; Cane, V; Galván, P; Allende, I; Basogain, X
| | | | · Knowledge, attitudes and practices about the Code of Odontologic Ethics in odontologists of the National Police in 2009 Brítez Distéfano, SC
| | | | · Correlation between creatinine clearance and MDRD-4 formula in the estimation of the glomerular filtrate Zenteno, J; Sosa, L; Samudio, M; Ruíz, I; Stanley, J; Funes, P
| | | | · Perception and comprehension of the informed consent in patients attending the Faculty of Odontology in 2010 Amarilla Guirland, A
| | | | · Expression of p53 protein in Barrets esophagus and esophageal cancer. Experience of the Department of Pathology, IICS Campos, S; Figueredo Thiel, S; Kasamatsu, E
| | | | · Hepatitis B: surface antigen and post-vaccination antibodies in women from the Psychiatric Hospital of Asunción, Paraguay Rovira, C; Picagua, E; Martínez, C; Ferreira, L; Granado, E; Giménez, V; Machuca, M; Carpinelli, MM
| | | Reporte de Casos | | | | · Acute myeloid leukaemia with t(8; 21)(q22; q22). Case report Espínola Cano, AF; Rodríguez, MS; Campos, S; Ferreira Nizza, JA; Noguera, J; Figueredo Thiel, SJ
| | | Temas de Actualidad | | | | · National System of Newborn Screening in Uruguay Queiruga, G; Queijo, C; Lemes, A; Machado, M; Garlo, P
| | | Anexos | | | | · Reglamento del Comité de Ética en Investigación del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción (IICS-UNA)
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