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Cirugía paraguaya

On-line version ISSN 2307-0420

Rev. Cir. Parag. vol.42 no.2 Asunción Aug. 2018 


Renewal of knowledge

Rubén Aguilar-Zapag1 

1Sociedad Paraguaya de Cirugía. Paraguay

This edition of the magazine, the first for this new Board of Directors, that coincides with the beginning of spring. Time of natural changes, renewal, demonstration of beauty and perfection, only comes to mind the challenges that arise in the following editions in which we will seek to renew the scientific spirit of surgeons, urging them to investigate and share their experiences, guiding others in their actions to always favor patients.

The Paraguayan Congress of Surgery, also comes from the hand of this number, along with the union of local and foreign specialists who renew each day the current knowledge of the art of surgery, sharing enriching experiences to each of us renewing each minute as nature does in this season.

Welcome spring, welcome foreign colleagues, welcome the renewal of knowledge, the mind and actions of each of us, aiming at perfection in what we have to provide patients

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