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Revista científica en ciencias sociales

versão On-line ISSN 2708-0412


CUEVAS-NUNEZ, Edgar Gustavo; MEDINA, Marlene; ECHEVERRIA PEREIRA, Patricia Guiselle  e  GRAU-PORTILLO, Magda Gabriela. Educational strategy focused on the economic well-being of the collaborators of a private university within the framework of the University Social Responsibility project. Rev. cient. cienc. soc. [online]. 2022, vol.4, n.2, pp.59-66. ISSN 2708-0412.

The objective is to design an educational strategy on economic well-being in the collaborators of the services and maintenance area of ​​the Universidad del Pacífico (UP) within the framework of University Social Responsibility. It was based on a quasi-experimental intervention study in UP staff in 2021. The population was made up of 28 collaborators: 16 from the Asunción headquarters (ASU) and 12 from Pedro Juan Caballero (PJC). A baseline socioeconomic survey was conducted using a 13-question questionnaire. The intervention consisted of four talks on personal finances, four monthly consultations of 15 minutes per participant for a period of three months and control of the Budget Guide. The baseline results indicate that 62% of the ASU and 67% of the PJC participants did not control their financial expenses; with a high state of indebtedness (94% from ASU and 83% from PJC). With the intervention, 3 (43%) employees at ASU and 2 (29%) at PJC achieved improvements in the management of their financial resources. It is concluded that despite the intervention, few participants managed to improve the administration of financial resources, probably due to the short follow-up period.

Palavras-chave : social responsibility; university extension; universities; workers; finance; social welfare..

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