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Revista científica en ciencias sociales

versão On-line ISSN 2708-0412


BAREIRO-PAREDES, Rosa Beatriz  e  SUTTY-SEGOVIA, Hernán Isidro. Optimization of Facebook in accommodations of the Paraguarí department in Paraguay, 2021. Rev. cient. cienc. soc. [online]. 2022, vol.4, n.2, pp.27-34. ISSN 2708-0412.

The research lies in analyzing whether the publications on the Facebook pages of the accommodation service providers in the department of Paraguarí meet some criteria to optimize their presence on the social network and obtain a greater number of followers. It was based on a quantitative cross-sectional study and descriptive level. The study population consisted of 16 establishments registered as of October 2021 in the REGISTUR. As inclusion criteria, it is established that they provide accommodation, have the social network Facebook, and not be tourist inns. A checklist (13 criteria distributed in 3 variables) was brought as a data collection instrument: State Publications (6), Image Publications (4) and Link Publications (3). The most outstanding results denote that Facebook pages are mostly used to upload images (77%), to a lesser extent, considering the publication of statuses important (37%) and the use of links is almost nil -linking to other websites (7 %). It is concluded that the main aspects to optimize the presence of companies in the Facebook social network are not considered, probably due to ignorance of its utilities and uses, in order to increase the visibility of their establishments.

Palavras-chave : social media; services; tourism; tourist industry; service industries; Paraguay.

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