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Revista científica ciencias de la salud

On-line version ISSN 2664-2891


IRALA-ACOSTA, Guadalupe; RODRIGUEZ-VERA, Rocío  and  ORTEGA-FILARTIGA, Edgar. Clinical characteristics of sepsis in children hospitalized in the pediatric department of the Hospital Nacional de Itauguá in the period 2017-2018. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [online]. 2020, vol.2, n.2, pp.43-50. ISSN 2664-2891.

Introduction: Sepsis in the pediatric patient is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and constitutes a public health problem in the country. Early diagnosis and subsequent timely treatment reduce complications, decreased length of inpatient stay, reductions in resource consumption and improve prognosis. Objective: Identify the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of sepsis in children interned in Department of Pediatrics at Itauguá National Hospital in the period 2017-2018. Methods: A retrospective, observational and descriptive cross-sectional study with analytical component. Results: 101 files were included. Of the patients studied, male sex prevailed in 63.37% and the nursing group in 62.38%. 88.12% scored q-SOFA ≥2. The clinical manifestation that prevailed in infants was hypotension, TAS <100mmgh 88.89%, while at older ages leukocytosis prevailed, in preschool children 90.00% and in schoolchildren 94.44%. 90.48% of infants suffered from septic shock and 72.22% SDOM. 100% of preschoolers attended with septic shock and 40% with SDOM. In schoolchildren, 83.33% presented septic shock and 39.68% SDOM. 95.65% of patients with SDOM had respiratory failure, 91.30% had cardiovascular failure, and 34.78% neurological deficit. The average hospitalization was 14 days. The location of the infectious focus was respiratory, in 40.59% of the cases. The highest percentage of deaths was recorded in infants at 30.16%. Conclusion: It was found that the most susceptible population is infants with primary pulmonary focus. The clinical manifestation found in most cases is hypotension and leukocytosis. An association between q-SOFA score and septic shock was demonstrated. Mortality was significant, probably due to the high numbers of septic shock and SDOM

Keywords : sepsis; pediatrics; epidemiology.

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