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Medicina clínica y social

versão On-line ISSN 2521-2281


TORALES, Julio  e  BARRIOS, Iván. Research design: Classification algorithm and essential features. Med. clín. soc. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.3, pp.210-235. ISSN 2521-2281.

While primary research involves the active participation of the researcher, secondary research consists of the synthesis and analysis of results organized and published by others as primary research. In medicine, primary research has sought to reach a valid conclusion to improve human health using scientific methods. Therefore, primary research requires well-designed research that is sustained on a sound basis of detailed methodology and governed by ethical clinical principles. This is important, since in the Medical Sciences, meaningful conclusions can only be drawn from the data collected and the results obtained through an appropriate scientific design. Therefore, the selection of a correct research design is important to answer the questions posed by the researcher in an unbiased and scientific manner. In this review article, an algorithm for classifying primary research designs is presented. It also discusses the different types of designs used in primary medical research based on the quantitative paradigm. The key features of the concept, methodological aspects, advantages, and limitations, as well as the possibilities of using different designs, are illustrated with examples. This knowledge is crucial since the quality, reliability, and publishability of research in medicine depend decisively on the selection of an appropriate research design.

Palavras-chave : Medicine; research; research design; research methodology..

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