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Academo (Asunción)
On-line version ISSN 2414-8938
FUENTES GOMEZ, Ruth Anabel and ZUNIGA VALLE, Carmen María. Teachers psychological impact because covid-19. Acad. (Asunción) [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, pp.15-28. ISSN 2414-8938.
The following investigation has an objective to define the psychological impact on the teachers from the Miguel Paz Baraona School of San Pedro Sula city, Honduras due to Covid-19 lockdown. The study was done with a mixed approach with qualitative and quantitative data collection, used a technique semi structure interview with open and close questions for focal groups, searching according to the categories psychological stress, anxiety, depression, somatization, insomnia, anger, afraid to get sick. The used design corresponds to a sequential explanatory design. For the collection data taken into consideration the total population from the school with a sample of 18 teachers between fourteen female of 21 to 57 years old and fours male of 23 to 50 years old. The results indicate due to Covid-19 lockdown have an impact in the physical health and emotional in the teachers. They have suffer sadness, afraid to get sick, thoughts of uncertainty and frustration, headache, muscular back pain, difficulties in their sleep cycle presenting insomnia and nightmares.
Keywords : Physical health; emotional health; prevention; teachers; covid-19; lockdown; psychological impact.