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Academo (Asunción)

versão On-line ISSN 2414-8938


SALAS CANALES, Hugo Jesús. Clean technologies as a source of competitive business advantage. Acad. (Asunción) [online]. 2020, vol.7, n.1, pp.97-104. ISSN 2414-8938.

Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems that has affected humanity for many centuries, and this situation began to accentuate from the First Industrial Revolution until today, being caused by business and people. Consumers since the 1970s began to express their concern about the depredation of the ecosystem, seeking the purchase of green products and requiring companies to rethink their strategies and production techniques. Among the improvements in production techniques, the implementation of clean technologies is considered as a viable solution so that companies can control the pollution they generate from the beginning of their production cycle. This review article, through an extensive bibliographic analysis, addresses the relevance of clean technologies as a source of business competitive advantage, because any company that implements environmental strategies (including the adoption of clean technologies) will be able to perform a better analysis of its environmental costs, building a strong corporate identity and obtaining a greater advantage over its competitors. The main objective of this review article is to raise awareness among readers and other members of the scientific community about the impact of adopting clean technologies on improving the quality of life; not only of people, but also of other living beings on the planet.

Palavras-chave : Environmental pollution; clean technologies; competitive business advantage; eco-efficiency; environmental costs.

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