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Revista Científica de la UCSA

On-line version ISSN 2409-8752


FEDORUK-HUBAR, Sandra Raquel  and  PEREZ-COLMAN, Rosa Elizabeth. Teaching Practice Exercise at the Postgraduate School of the National University of Itapúa. Diagnosis of reality, year 2018- 2019. Rev. ciente. UCSA [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.1, pp.19-29. ISSN 2409-8752.

The research focuses on the Performance of the teaching practice in a graduate school in Itapúa, reality diagnosis 2018 - 2019, which objective was to determine the strengths and opportunities for improvement of the teaching practice in a graduate school in Itapúa. Methodologically, it dealt with a Case Study, of an intrinsic type due to its purpose; with a mixed approach (qualitative - quantitative), in which the behavior of a series of causes and effects was analyzed, based on numerical data based on probabilistic studies. The data sources are material of a legal and doctrinal nature and its sampling system was named within the line of investigation "educational quality" according to its approach. The most relevant results show that the teaching-learning methodology that the teacher applies in their class hours are good, and that the learning assessment strategies applied to the students were mostly answered with agreement. It is concluded that, as a consequence of these results, the teacher is doing a good job but there are many opportunities to continue improving not only in its methodology but also by using and innovating other teaching-learning strategies in such a way that not only the student could feel satisfied.

Keywords : Teaching practice performance; teaching practice methodology; teaching performance evaluation; teaching practice evaluation strategy.

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