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Revista Virtual de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Medicina Interna

versão On-line ISSN 2312-3893


OLMEDO MERCADO, Edis Fabiola et al. Hemodialysis quality in patients with chronic kidney disease at the Hospital Nacional of Itauguá. Rev. virtual Soc. Parag. Med. Int. [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.1, pp.11-22. ISSN 2312-3893.


Chronic kidney disease is a public health problem, with a great impact and cost for the State and the patient, hence the importance of knowing the quality of hemodialysis, treatment in its final stage.


To determine the quality of hemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease at the Hospital Nacional of Itauguá, Paraguay.


An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out, including 101 patients with chronic kidney disease hemodialyzed with a three-week schedule in the Department of Nephrology of the Hospital Nacional of Itauguá, Paraguay. Demographic, clinical, laboratory and dialysis quality variables were measured. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the National University of Itapúa, Paraguay.


The mean age was 47.46 years, 55.45% were male, 41.58% had normal weight, the most frequent comorbidity was arterial hypertension (65%), the most frequent etiologies were hypertensive (30.69%) and diabetic (22.77%). The most frequent viral infection was hepatitis B. The vascular accesses were the arteriovenous fistula (56.44%), the tunneled catheter (24.75%) and the simple catheter (15.84%). The mean values of the laboratory results were: hemoglobin 8.9 g/L, ferritin 500 ng/dL, calcium 8.9 mg/dL, phosphorus 5.5 mg/dL and albumin 3.98 g/dL. The mean value of the urea reduction percentage was 64% and the Kt/v index was 1.15.


The quality of hemodialysis in this center is low, objectified by the percentage of the mean urea reduction and the kt/v index lower than the value recommended by the guidelines.

Palavras-chave : chronic renal insufficiency; renal dialysis; urea; dosage; kt/v index..

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