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Revista Virtual de la Sociedad Paraguaya de Medicina Interna

versão On-line ISSN 2312-3893


AYALA LEON, Silvia Josefina et al. Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with breast cancer. Is there a correlation with international reference standards?. Rev. virtual Soc. Parag. Med. Int. [online]. 2020, vol.7, n.1, pp.66-76. ISSN 2312-3893.


Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are two separate pathological entities. However, they have several similarities and possible interactions, which include several similar risk factors.


To determine and correlate cardiovascular risk factors in patients with breast cancer.


Longitudinal, prospective study. Population: patients diagnosed with breast cancer who consult at the Itauguá National Hospital and the National Cancer Institute, Paraguay, between March and August 2017. The variables related to the baseline characteristics of the patients and cardiovascular risk factors were collected.


One hundred and seventy patients were included, with a mean age of 50±13 years. The cardiovascular risk factors detected were diabetes mellitus 14.7%, arterial hypertension 51.8%, smoking 3.5%, sedentary lifestyle 38.3%, overweight / obesity 70%. The median LDL cholesterol was 131.5 mg / dL, 26.5% had a Framingham score with high and moderate risk. In the correlation by the Spearman method between Framingham risk score and diastolic blood pressure, statistical significance was obtained with both blood pressure in the arm (r 0.244, p 0.001) and lower limb (r 0.27, p 0.0001) . In the correlation between BMI and diastolic blood pressure, r 0.15 (p 0.03) was obtained.


Statistical correlation was found between high values ​​of diastolic blood pressure with obesity/overweight, as well as moderate to high cardiovascular risk. Diastolic arterial hypertension should be considered as a cardiovascular risk factor in patients with breast cancer.

Palavras-chave : breast malignancies; risk factors; cardiovascular diseases; high blood pressure; diabetes mellitus.

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