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Revista de salud publica del Paraguay
Print version ISSN 2224-6193On-line version ISSN 2307-3349
ARBO, Laura Mendoza de et al. Knowledge, prevention and biosecurity practices about Brucellosis of workers exposed to risk of dairy data of Caaguazú-Paraguay. Rev. salud publica Parag. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.2, pp.21-27. ISSN 2307-3349.
Brucellosis is a common zoonosis and in many countries it is a prevalent health problem. In Paraguay, no evidence has been found of the knowledge that dairy herd workers have and the preventive practices they use.
To evaluate the knowledge, prevention and biosecurity practices on Brucellosis of workers exposed to risk in dairy herds of Caaguazú.
Materials and methods:
A cross-sectional study was carried out in a representative sample of livestock establishments in the Department of Caaguazú. From May to June 2017, 720 workers from 360 dairy farms were interviewed, using a structured questionnaire with closed questions. Information on the knowledge, prevention and biosecurity practices on brucellosis was obtained.
The median age of the workers was 34 years, 70% were men. 11.7% were illiterate and 62.1% only completed the primary. 90% worked as a tambero/milker. Sixty-four percent said they did not know about the disease, 73.6% did not know how the disease was acquired, 71.5% never received information about brucellosis. 73.3% had no knowledge of preventive practices. All consumed unpasteurized dairy byproducts, mainly Paraguayan cheese
There is a lack of knowledge of the disease and the way of transmission. Risk practices are frequent. It is necessary to implement education and awareness programs on brucellosis.
Keywords : Brucellosis; knowledge; prevention practices; biosecurity;survey; human.