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Revista de salud publica del Paraguay
Print version ISSN 2224-6193On-line version ISSN 2307-3349
VELAZQUEZ, Celso; KAWABATA, Aníbal and RIOS-GONZALEZ, Carlos Miguel. Prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and sexual/reproductive antecedents of natives of Caaguazú, Paraguay 2015-2017. Rev. salud publica Parag. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.2, pp.15-20. ISSN 2307-3349.
Cervical cancer is one of the most serious pathologies in the life of women. It caused 266 000 deaths in women due to this pathology in 2012, 85% in low and middle income countries.
To determine the prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and sexual/reproductive antecedents of natives of Caaguazú during the years 2015 to 2017.
Materials and methods:
An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling was carried out. Indigenous people registered in the Cervical Pathology Program were studied. The data obtained were entered in Microsoft Excel © 2016, STATA® 14.0 was used for the analysis. The results were presented in tables and graphs.
The study included 129 indigenous people with an average age of 26 ± 10 years. The prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer was 13.18%. The most frequently found lesions in order of frequency were ASCUS 10.08%; CIN I 2.32%; CIN II 0.77%; no CIN III was observed, nor carcinoma in situ. The ages in which they occurred most frequently were between 25 and 44 years in 70.59%. 58.8% of those who presented cervical lesions had menarche <12 years; 76.5% sexual intercourse <15 years and 82.35% are large multiparous.
The prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer is similar to studies from other countries and less than some studies that were conducted in Paraguay in a non-indigenous population. A higher percentage of lesions was found in the middle ages, early menarche, and early onset of sexual life and in multiparous women.
Keywords : Cervical intraepithelial lesion; cervical cancer; cytology;Paraguay; Indigenous Health Services..