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Revista de salud publica del Paraguay

versão impressa ISSN 2224-6193versão On-line ISSN 2307-3349


AGUILAR, Gloria; KAWABATA, Aníbal; SAMUDIO, Tania  e  RIOS-GONZALEZ, Carlos Miguel. Epidemiological behavior of HIV in Paraguay, 2017. Rev. salud publica Parag. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.2, pp.9-14. ISSN 2307-3349.


HIV is not only a public health problem, because once it is widespread, the epidemic has far-reaching consequences for all social sectors and for development itself. It can decimate the workforce, create large numbers of orphans, exacerbate poverty and inequality, and exert tremendous pressure on social and health services.


To describe the epidemiological behavior of HIV in Paraguay during the months of January to December 2017.

Material and Methods:

An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study on HIV patients recruited by PRONASIDA during the months of January to December 2017. The analysis was performed with STATA v.14.0; the data are expressed in measures of central tendency and dispersion, and proportions table.


1443 reported cases were admitted during 2017, of which 71.03% (102) were male, 61.95% (894) were from Asuncion. The transmission route was 98.82% (1426) was sexual. 35.22% (392) were cases of AIDS and 3.53% (51) died during 2017.


The epidemic continues to be concentrated in risk groups, with predominance of males, the characteristics of the studied population shows that the majority are from Asuncion and Central, the sexual route continues to be the most frequent route of transmission, in view of The foregoing is important to implement policies and strategies to improve the uptake of patients, also increase the promotion of sex education in risk groups.

Palavras-chave : HIV; AIDS; Paraguay; Risk Groups.

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