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Cirugía paraguaya

versión On-line ISSN 2307-0420


HERNANDEZ, Rodrigo; PONTILLO, Mauricio; OLIVERA, Eduardo  y  RODRIGUEZ, Gustavo. LAPAROSCOPIC RESOLUTION INCIDENTAL HYDATID CYST. Rev. Cir. Parag. [online]. 2019, vol.43, n.1, pp.44-45. ISSN 2307-0420.

Introduction: Hepatic hydatidosis is a cyclozoonosis of high prevalence and incidence in South America. linical case: Female, 58 years old. As an incidental finding during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, hepatic cystic tumor was detected in the V segment compatible with hepatic hydatic cyst (HHC). We opted to perform a partial cysticadventomy plus laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Results: Surgery without complications, good postoperative evolution. Discussion: The clinical presentation of the HHH is variable from its symptomatic and asymptomatic form. In the latter his finding is generally incidental; either imaging or surgical (less frequent) as in our patient. Surgical treatment provides the best results, and within these radical surgery. In our patient since it was an accessible cystic tumor (anterior segment) and favorable size (less than 7 cm), added to the high prevalence of hydatidosis in our environment: it was decided to resect it. We conclude that treatment of the laparoscopic hydatic cyst is feasible to have a trained team with favorable characteristics of the HHH: in terms of size, relationships and topography.

Palabras clave : Hepatic hydatic cyst; incidental; laparoscopic resolution.

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