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Revista de la Secretaría del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión

On-line version ISSN 2304-7887


ORTEGA, Virginia Saldaña. The nature of the European Union: the contest between the three great conceptions and the progress towards a true federal project. Rev. secr. Trib. perm. revis. [online]. 2024, vol.12, n.21, e531.  Epub Feb 29, 2024. ISSN 2304-7887.

Summary: The European Union is a sui generis organization, difficult to identify with any other, precisely because of the genuineness of its character and because in its development, it presents characteristics of different types of processes or modes of organization. The evolutionary process that has occurred within the European Union has not been linear nor has it been exempt from criticism and debate between the main actors in the international reality and specialists in integration matters. Starting from this premise, this project aims to offer an exhaustive development of the evolution that has arisen in the community reality from its beginnings marked by an intergovernmental nature, to a present day characterized by the inclusion of the federalized aspect in a large part of the social, economic and organization policy. This article will address the historical evolution that occurred within the organization, from a perspective of doctrinal, normative and jurisprudential analysis that allows us to demonstrate the clear process of transformation that occurred in the understanding of its nature as an organization, taking into consideration aspects of absolute practicality. Such as the multi-level governance system experienced in the territory or key elements such as the resurgence of the democratic deficit in European society. All this with the purpose of trying to elucidate what approach the future of the European Union will be directed towards, which will assist us in the future of our reality as an organization.

Keywords : Harmonization; Community law; Federalism; Federalization; European Union; Supranationality.

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