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Revista del Nacional (Itauguá)
versão impressa ISSN 2072-8174
BASABE OCHOA, Aura Mearlyn; TROCHE HERMOSILLA, Avelina Victoria e MARTINEZ PICO, Marlene. Epidemiology of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract in pediatric patients in a Reference Hospital. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [online]. 2020, vol.12, n.2, pp.28-37. ISSN 2072-8174.
congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract include pathologies originating from alterations in the embryonic development of the collecting system, the renal parenchyma or migration.
observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study. Seventy-one patients with a confirmed diagnosis of congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract by imaging studies were included. Those with incomplete medical records were excluded. Demographic data, type of congenital kidney and urinary tract anomalies, time of diagnosis, and presence of kidney scars were analyzed. The sampling was non-probabilistic of consecutive cases. The data were analyzed with the Excel 2007 Program, using descriptive statistics.
to determine the epidemiology of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract in children under 18 years of age who consulted the Service in the period between April and September.
more were observed in men (58 %), being more frequent the anomalies in the excretory path: vesicoureteral reflux (vesicoureteral reflux) (35 %) and pyeloureteral stenosis (12,7 %); the predominant renal malformations were dysplasia (14 %) and hypoplasia (7 %); the migration defects detected were: renal ectopy (5 %) and horseshoe kidney (1 %). They were detected in 35 % before 2 years of age and in 31 % in the prenatal period, with dilation of the excretory system being more frequently found, corresponding to vesicoureteral reflux (27 %), pyelic ectasia (27 %) and pyeloureteral stenosis (13,6 %)
congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract are frequent. Prenatal diagnosis is made by ultrasound studies during pregnancy. The most common pathology is vesicourethral reflux. Early diagnosis allows for secondary nephroprevention.
Palavras-chave : congenital anomalies; prenatal diagnosis; vesicoureteral reflux; pediatrics..