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Revista del Nacional (Itauguá)
Print version ISSN 2072-8174
PEREZ1, Laura and APARICIO2, Celeste. Contraceptive methods of choice in the immediate postpartum period in adolescent patients. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.2, pp.24-34. ISSN 2072-8174.
Introduction: Adolescence is a stage between childhood and adulthood that begins by pubertal changes and is characterized by deep psychological and social many biological transformations generate crises, conflicts and contradictions. It is not just a period of adaptation to body changes, but a phase of great determination towards greater psychological and social independence. Paraguay is a country with a young population, with one in four people aged between 15 and 29 years of age and 40% of its population is under 15 years. By the nuances according to the different ages, adolescence can be divided into three stages. Objective: To investigate the adolescent family planning in the immediate postpartum period.Methodology: retrospective observational study in adolescents in the immediate postpartum period who presented to the Maternity Hospital San Pablo January 2014 June 2014. Results: most patients do not want any contraception. In the case of choosing one, they prefer the IUD. Adolescents who did not want birth control were mostly between 13 and 15 unlike the older teenagers. Nearly 70% of patients had vaginal delivery and came from Greater Asunción and the Central Department. Conclusions: 62.03% of patients do not want any contraceptive method, in relation to 37.97 if you wish, the IUD being the highest preference.
Keywords : adolescence, contraception, intrauterine device.