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Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical

versão impressa ISSN 1996-3696


MEDINA, Angelica; SOSA, Natalia  e  AGUIRRE, Sarita. Impact of COVID-19 on the control of Tuberculosis in Paraguay. 2019-2020. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.2, pp.44-57. ISSN 1996-3696.

COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented global health emergency, also negatively affecting the delivery of tuberculosis (TB) care in almost all countries. This research therefore analyses the impact of COVID-19 on TB control in Paraguay. Descriptive, retrospective, mixed-approach, cross-sectional study. Results: seven of the 10 prioritized indicators of the "End TB Strategy" registered results below what was reported in the last three years, with 2020 being the most affected. There is a gap of 1,037 people who have not been diagnosed and treated for TB in Paraguay, as estimated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2020. There were 2,598 TB cases analysed in 2020, compared to 3,083 in 2019, representing a 15.7% decrease in case notification; notifications decreased by 24% in women, 40.5% in children and 19.6% treatment success. There was a case fatality rate of 12%, the highest in the last four years. The experts surveyed were of the opinion that the TB situation worsened after the advent of COVID-19 in the country, mainly in case notification and contact investigation. COVID-19 has had a negative impact on TB control in Paraguay, which represents a significant risk for the control of the disease, and progress over the years is seriously compromised and threatens to reverse the achievements made.

Palavras-chave : COVID-19; Impact,Tuberculosis; End TB.

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