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Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical

versão impressa ISSN 1996-3696


MEDINA, Angélica; CESPEDES, Cynthia; MONTIEL, Ivonne  e  AGUIRRE, Sarita. Current status, challenges and operational solutions to active TB searches 2019-2020, Paraguay. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.1, pp.52-64. ISSN 1996-3696.


The active search for cases of Tuberculosis (TB) aims to ensure early detection to reduce the risk of poor outcomes of the disease and the social consequences of the disease, as well as to cut the chain of transmission in the community in a timely manner.


. To determine the current status, challenges and operational solutions to the Active Searches in the 18 Health Regions of Paraguay.


Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study, data source: active search records available from the health regions, civil society and National Tuberculosis Control Program (PNCT) of Paraguay 2019-2020 and Expert System of the PNCT (SEPNCT) For the statistical analysis summary measures such as absolute and relative frequencies and proportions were used.


field visits were analyzed for active searches, in three types of interventions, 5089 people investigated, 26.5% were identified as RH. The overall positivity was 5%. It takes an average of 76 persons to find a TB case. The active searches that had the greatest impact were those conducted by the national level with 49.3% of TB cases contributed.


Community-based interventions, such as the establishment of referral networks and other activities that bring TB information and services closer to people with symptoms, can help improve TB case notification, cut the chain of transmission, and reduce TB mortality.

Palavras-chave : tuberculosis; active search; Paraguay.

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