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Revista del Instituto de Medicina Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 1996-3696


RIOS-GONZALEZ, Carlos Miguel; DE BENEDICTIS-SERRANO, Ginno Alessandro; FLORES-ENRIQUEZ, Jessica F.  y  CHIRINO-CAICEDO, Alfonzo David. Knowledge, attitudes and practices about the Oropouche, in medical students of Latin America, 2017. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. [online]. 2017, vol.12, n.2, pp.14-22. ISSN 1996-3696.


To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices on the Oropouche, in Latin American students from March to April 2017.

Material and methods:

Observational, descriptive cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases. The data were collected using a validated instrument for the effect. The data are expressed in measures of central tendency, dispersion and proportions.


A total of 1046 medical students, aged 18 to 28 years, with a median age of 21 (P25 = 20 P75 = 22) were included, of which 58.51% (612) were females. The fourth courses at 40.15% (420). The level of knowledge was at 88.72% (928) low, attitudes 36.90% (386) of students are undecided and/or doubtful about whether government entities could prevent the propagation of OROV. 52.96% (554) of medical students do not use repellents and other preventive methods at any time of the day


the level of knowledge in general was low, the attitudes indecisive and/or dubious and with bad practices regarding the oropouche.

Palabras clave : Knowledge; Attitudes and Practice in Health; Arbovirus infections; Arbovirus.

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