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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

Print version ISSN 1816-8949


MACHAIN, Gustavo Miguel et al. Recurrence of post-surgical perianal fistulas in the II General Surgery Service of Clinica´s Hospital, San Lorenzo year 2008-2019. An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2021, vol.54, n.2, pp.97-102. ISSN 1816-8949.

An Anal Fistula is an abnormal communication between the anorectal duct and the skin. The central goal of its treating is to eliminate the fistula and symptoms, prevent recurrence, and preserve anal sphincter function. The only curative treatment for cryptogenic anal fistulas is surgery. An observational, descriptive study was carried out with analytical components, cross-sectional, with a non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases in patients operated on for anal fistulas by the Coloproctology Service in the II Surgery Department of Clinica´s Hospital of San Lorenzo (2008- 2019). Out of a total of 112 patients, there was no statistically significant relationship between the degree of obesity, comorbidities, different symptoms, the complexity of the fistula or the anal region involved, and the postoperative recurrence. The most used surgical technique was fistulotomy in 75.9% of the cases. Recurrences were seen in 6.25% of the patients. In our series, the risk of obtaining a recurrence was 16 times greater in complex fistulas than in simple ones (RR = 15.9 for p = 0.001) and there was a statistically significant relationship between the type of surgery performed and the percentage of postoperative recurrence. Anal fistulas are a relevant nosological entity, which creates discomfort in both work and social development, which is why it should be the subject of exhaustive study in our hospital as it is in the world.

Keywords : Anal fistula; surgery; recurrence..

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