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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

Print version ISSN 1816-8949


ALDAMA, Arnaldo; ALDAMA, Juan Guillermo  and  PEREIRA, José. Value of molecular techniques and risk factors in the diagnosis and evolution of sporotrichosis. About 2 cases of Sporothrix brasiliensis and S. globosa. An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2020, vol.53, n.3, pp.177-184. ISSN 1816-8949.

Sporotrichosis is a deep mycosis caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii. The advent of molecular techniques as the polymerase chain reaction has made it possible to identify several species within the Sporothrix spp complex such as S. brasiliensis, S. schenckii sensu stricto, S. globosa, S mexicana and S. albicans. The differences are molecular but also geographic, macroscopic, in sugar assimilation and colony growth at 37º, determining different clinical forms, evolution and therapeutic responses.

We report 2 cases of sporotrichosis diagnosed in the National Hospital of Paraguay, whose studies of PCR of the calmodulin gene carried out abroad, determined to be produced by S. brasiliensis and S. globosa respectively. The objective of the communication is to highlight the importance of molecular techniques for the precise diagnosis of the species of Sporothrix spp, considering the risk factors associated with the epidemiological characterization and the clinical-evolutionary differences of the cases of sporotrichosis.

Keywords : Sporothrix brasiliensis sporotrichosis; Sporothrix globosa sporotrichosis; Sporotrichosis in Paraguay..

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